Friday, September 30, 2016

WATCH: Gowdy Finally Gets Face-To-Face With FBI Director, Asks Brutal Clinton Question Everyone's Thinking
WATCH: Gowdy Finally Gets Face-To-Face With FBI Director, Asks Brutal Clinton Question Everyone's Thinking
Trey Gowdy just got handed an opportunity to look directly into FBI Director James Comey's face and ask the one question he's been dying to ask - and it went EXACTLY how you'd imagine. 'Bulldog' Gowdy was definitely ready to rumble... Read more...
Store Owner Cancels NFL Star’s Event Over Anthem Protest… Makes Epic Move For America
This store owner planned a signing event with Brandon Marshall, but when Marshall protested the national anthem, the owner cancelled the event immediately... but what the owner did next is going viral. Good for this owner... he's a true patriot. Read more...
Breaking: Hillary's Hope for White House Lost
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Hillary and her team do not want you to see this. Will this force her to give up on the White House? This may finally put an end to her campaign. Find Out More...
Just Moments After Senate Stops Obama, White House Unleashes 11 Words That Drop Jaws
The Senate just learned exactly how FURIOUS Obama is... Read more...
PHOTO: What Was Behind “Clinton’s Podium” the Audience Never Saw
Many tuned into the first debate to see if Hillary Clinton could even make it through the 90 minutes without passing out. Perhaps she had a little extra help with these "items" behind her podium... Read more...
Alert: FBI Director Just Undermined Hillary Campaign With Stunning 5-Word Bombshell To Congress
Hillary thought her controversy with the FBI was over, but the bureau's director just sent chills down Hillary's spine with this shocking admission. This gives Trump a lot of ammo for the next debate... Read more...
Son of Hamas Founder Comes Forward, Reveals What Obama Is Doing for Terrorists
The son of the founder of one of the world's most dangerous terrorist groups, Hamas, just risked everything to reveal Obama's shady influence on terrorism. It takes GUTS to stand your ground like this. Boom! Read more...
Breaking: First Official Post-Debate Poll Is In... Many Will Be Stunned
The official post-debate numbers are in, and everyone's at a loss for words. The American people are sending a strong message... Read more...
Charlotte Cops Get New Policy For Looters And Rioters, Hit Them With Instant Justice
The Charlotte police are getting EPIC justice for the rioters who tried to destroy the city... Here's the "name and shame" policy they're doing for looters and punks who thought it was their right to cause mayhem. Do you agree with what the Charlotte police are doing? Read more...
Leaked Fox News Document Reveals What They Did To Trump Right After Debate 'Do Not...
This Fox News document wasn't supposed to be seen by the public, and it's easy to see why. It confirms what many have feared, and just wait until Donald Trump sees THIS... Read more...
Mystery Man Spotted on Debate Stage at Very End, Makes Surprise Move at Podium
We wouldn't put anything past Hillary, especially when it comes to getting the upper hand on donald trump... Just what in the world was this mystery man doing to Hillary's podium after the debate was over? This is bizarre... Read more...
LOOK: People Instantly Noticed Something Missing From Hillary's Debate Outfit, It's Telling...
When viewers noticed what was missing from Hillary's debate outfit, they immediately began asking questions... Read more...
SHOCK: Ex-Hillary Adviser Goes Rogue… Reveals Real Reason Hillary Threatened Putin
During the debate a lot of people noticed how Hillary issued an unexpectedly strong threat to Vladimir Putin. Now, one of Clinton's ex-advisors has come forward and revealed a bombshell reason for the threat. If this is true, we now know what the real October surprise is, and it's going to be disastrous for Hillary. Read more...


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