Friday, September 30, 2016

Faith - Believing Without Seeing By Janette Mclaughlin

Faith - Believing Without Seeing
By Janette Mclaughlin

Faith. This is one of the hardest things to talk about and one of the hardest things to develop, with God’s help. When I say “develop” I talk about how faith is grown through experience and learning to trust God through the trials and tribulations of life.
I believe, as we learn to go throughout these trials, and as we are made into God’s image, that this is where God plants more and more seeds that eventually produce the fruit of perseverance, which allows us to grow into the fullness of faith that God has for us this side of heaven.
Like crops, these seeds—as they are watered by the Holy Spirit grow quite large, but we must remember that it takes time. Watering and growing these seeds, and God’s timing is not our own. Unfortunately, no matter how much we try to pour “miracle grow” (Miracle-Gro) on these plants, it does not work, for God is the only miracle grow that works!
For as our faith grows, so does God’s work in us and through us. For many times, while Jesus walked the earth, He told people that came to Him, “Your faith has healed you.” Let us be like this and have great faith and let God work through us mightily. Let us not hear, “Ye of little faith.”
I remember when I was little and how I would frequently get lost. One particular time I got lost in a Wal-Mart and could not find anybody that I knew. I remember as I found myself lost and surrounded by strange people, I cried out to Daddy Jesus; it was then that I sensed God’s voice very clearly telling me to “Trust Him that He would lead me to a familiar face.” I remember after hearing Him that I needed to trust the Jesus that I had learning about in Sunday School.
I also knew that I needed to listen, for His peace was beyond anything that I had ever felt.            
As I felt His presence with me that day and felt him guiding me, I finally found my way back to the safety of a familiar face. Oh, how much I learned that day as  I found myself lost but was finally shown that I was finally found, and how much I could learn about God’s Word that says, “You were once lost, but now you are found!”
Let us be faithful and take a hold of God’s hands wherever he leads us, even if we cannot see the road ahead. For the light of God will guide us onto the path we are to take and guide us to our eternal home, which is heaven for those who trust in the name of Jesus. I do not promise that the road will be easy, but I do promise that God is faithful and just, and he will guide us if we just let him.
Let us cry out “Daddy Jesus” and see him grab our hands and lead us into the things that he has for us to do in our lives. What do you feel Jesus is asking you to have more faith in? Is it the pain of a traumatic past? Is it the pain of a broken marriage? If it is any of these things, just have the faith to reach out to Jesus and cry out to him, for he promises that he will never leave us nor forsake us, and he says whoever is faithful in little will be given much.

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