Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Judicial Watch Announces ‘Clinton Scandal Update – Emails and the Clinton Foundation' Panel

Judicial Watch Announces ‘Clinton Scandal Update – Emails and the Clinton Foundation' Panel -In response to the revelations about the pay-to-play scandal tied to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email system and the Clinton Foundation, Judicial Watch announced that it will....READ MORE
Court Hearing Friday, September 23, in FBI Clinton Email Records Case -Judicial Watch announces that a hearing will be held in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on Friday, September 23, 2016, regarding Judicial Watch’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit before Judge James...READ MORE
Judicial Watch Clinton Email/Foundation Expert Panel to Help Unravel “Complicated Mess of a Scandal” -The panel will be hosted by Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. And he will be joined by Clinton scandal experts Peter Schweizer, author of the New York Times best-seller Clinton Cash....READ MORE
Judicial Watch Statement on New Clinton Email Court Developments -Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton made the following statement regarding today’s decision by U.S. District Court Judge James E. Boasberg ordering the Department of State to begin processing at least 1,050 pages...READ MORE
Intel Report Confirms More “Transferred” Gitmo Captives Return to Terrorism -- As President Obama scrambles to release captives from the U.S. military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba his own intelligence advisers reveal that a growing number of inmates freed from the compound reengage in...READ MORE

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Media Coverage

MORE STATE OBSTRUCTION   --- "How can anyone think that the State Department is doing anything but doing Mrs. Clinton a favor?' Fitton told reporters, arguing that the agency is withholding information that the voting public has a right to access prior the presidential election. Clinton is the Democratic nominee. 'You can’t trust anything the State Department is doing these days,' he said.." ...

"After the judge’s order, Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton said that 'the American people could be deprived of this information at this essential time.' 'This is an absolutely corrupt process the State Department has come up with,' he said, blaming the department for the continuing delays. The roughly 15,000 emails were discovered as part of the FBI investigation into whether Mrs. Clinton or her aides mishandled classified information while serving in government. The FBI closed that investigation without recommending any charges."...

Clinton Scandal Update – Emails and the Clinton Foundation

 In response to the revelations about the pay-to-play scandal tied to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email system and the Clinton Foundation, Judicial Watch announced today that it will host an educational panel discussion.

Panelists include author of the New York Times best-seller Clinton Cash and President of Government Accountability Institute Peter Schweizer; Joe diGenova, former U.S. Attorney, Independent Counsel and founding partner of the Washington, D.C., law firm diGenova & Toensing; and Chris Farrell, director of investigations and research at Judicial Watch. Moderator will be Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

Video:Tom Fitton discussing the upcoming panel

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