Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Satanists Push for Demon Statue on Arkansas Capitol Grounds "I think the Ten Commandments should be on there."

Satanists Push for Demon Statue on Arkansas Capitol Grounds

"I think the Ten Commandments should be on there."

On top of their black masses in Oklahoma and their after-school clubs in Washington state, the merry band of Satanists now want to put a demon statue on the Arkansas capitol grounds. 
The Satanic Temple's push for the Baphomet statue came in early September when the state senate proposed a bill to place a Ten Commandments monument on the capitol grounds. Like any true Alinskyite, the obvious intention here is to use religious freedom as a bully club to prevent Christians from ever voicing their faith in the public square. 
Sponsor of the bill, Senator Jason Rapert, refuses to back down from his Ten Commandments proposal, calling it an important reminder of America's founding. 
"I think as part of our state capitol, it would make a nice addition and give a nice honor to the fact that this is a part of the foundation of American jurisprudence," Rapert opined. "We have room for many more [monuments], and we don't have anything in particular that honored that aspect of the moral foundation of American law."
Other Arkansas citizens voiced concern over the Satanist proposal.
"You do not let these bunch of phonies place a monument to Satan," said Little Rock resident Rick Pace. "This country is built on the principles of the Lord."
"We are a godly nation; we were based upon Christianity," says Len Young. "I think the Ten Commandments should be on there."
The Satanic Temple disguises itself as an atheistic institution using the appearance of Satanism as a political hammer against Christianity, but as noted by ChurchMilitant, their actions have been rather colorful for a group touting itself as costumed atheists. 
"The Satanic Temple last year unveiled the demon statue in a crumbling warehouse located in Detroit, Michigan," reports CM. "In spite of the Temple's claims that the group is not a cult and instead stands primarily for political activism and awareness, the unveiling was followed immediately by multiple acts of sexual debauchery involving homosexuals on the statue's lap — a common ritual practice in satanist circles."

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