Friday, September 30, 2016

BULLETPROOF – What’s the Real Reason World Leaders are Coming to Peres’ Funeral? [audio]

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September 30, 2016 / 27 Elul 5776
Shabbat Shalom! Radio
BULLETPROOF – What’s the Real Reason World Leaders are Coming to Peres’ Funeral? [audio]
Israel News Talk Radio
What's the real reason why world leaders, and even Mahmood Abbas are attending Peres' funeral? It may not be why you think. Ari gives his take on the matter.

Political Hitman – What Do You Do When An Arab Tells You To Take Your Yalmuke Off? [audio]
Political Hitman with Howie Silbiger
Israel News Talk Radio
An Arab Starts up with a Jew in Montreal about.... his Kippah?

Conversations with Heroes – She Survived a Home Fire, Now Valiantly Helps Others [audio]
Conversations With Heroes
Israel News Talk Radio
A survivor of a house fire with burns to over 80% of her body, tells all.

Beyond the Matrix – Religion, Relationship, and Rosh HaShanah [audio]
Beyond the Matrix
Israel News Talk Radio
Ira and Rod discuss what it is like for Jew and non Jew alike to be approaching the holy day of Rosh HaShanah when all souls stand before the Creator. Beyond the Matrix 27Sept2016 – PODCAST Israel News Talk Radio

The Soul of Israel: Discovering God’s Faith Before Rosh HaShanah [audio]
The Soul of Israel with Rabbi Shlomo Katz
The Land of Israel
How can we feel sorry and express regret in a spiritually constructive way? This week on The Soul of Israel with Rabbi's Shlomo Katz, Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel on The Land of Israel Network.

Tamar Yonah – How Non-Jews Can Acknowledge the Rosh HaShana Holiday [audio]
The Tamar Yonah Show
Israel News Talk Radio
How does a Non-Jew observe Rosh HaShana?

Israel Uncensored: Bibi’s UN Speech Gives Rosh Hashanah Inspiration? [audio]
Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten
The Land of Israel
Rosh Hashanah inspiration was found in an unlikely place in the form of a positive and optimistic speech to the UN by Prime Minister Netanyahu. On this weeks Israel Uncensored on The Land Of Israel Network with Josh Hasten and special guest Rabbi Guy Avihod.

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