Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Right After The Debate Trump Gets News That Could Change The Entire Election
Wow: The American People Just Named The Debate Winner Loud And Clear
Last night's debate was one of the most highly-anticipated ever. After the dust settled, the American people named a winner in a very big way... Read more...
BREAKING: Cavuto Just Exposed Lester Holt’s Lies During Debate
Neil Cavuto went on Fox News to prove just how biased Lester Holt was... but he just proved way more than bias. Holt directly lied to try and frame Trump on a huge issue... we have the footage right here. Read more...
Breaking: Hillary's Hope for White House Lost
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Hillary and her team do not want you to see this. Will this force her to give up on the White House? This may finally put an end to her campaign. Find Out More...
Immediately After Debate, Trump Pointed Out Something That Was VERY Wrong
It only took Donald J. Trump to point out something about last night's debate that never should have happened... Do you think Trump won the debate? Read more...
BREAKING: FBI Releases Bombshell Report That Proves Trump Is Right
The FBI just released this crucial information that could turn the election on its head... The liberals have been denying it for months but this proves Donald J. Trump wasn't lying about it. Read more...
Watch: Minutes After Debate, Fox News Digs Up Old Trump Video That Destroys Lester Holt's Narrative
Ouch. Debate Moderator Lester Holt just got caught red handed by Fox News' Neil Cavuto... Do you think Holt treated Trump unfairly? Read more...
The Polls Are In… Look Who Won Last Night’s Debate
Hillary was grinning like the Cheshire cat during the debate last night... But the poll results from the debate just rolled in. Do you agree with these results? Read more...
Hillary Made It Through Debate Without Health Scare, But The Truth Just Came Out
Hillary Clinton's supporters were relieved that she made it through the entire debate without a health crisis, but the good news didn't last long. Now that she's off the debate stage, the truth has been revealed. Read more...
Here’s What Holt Did to Trump SIX Times… He Never Did It To Hillary Once
Lester Holt just showed everyone where his loyalty is... this must stop. Do you think Donald J. Trump got a fair shot at the debate? Read more...
Rush Sets The Record Straight On Debate With 1 Powerful Observation Everyone's Missing
Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh noticed one big detail about last night's debate that no one is talking about, and it could mean TROUBLE for the future of Hillary's campaign. Read more...
Trump Asks Why Lester Holt Refused To Ask Hillary About Emails, Foundations, Benghazi
After the debate was over, Donald J. Trump pointed out that Lester Holt's questions were suspiciously lacking some key topics... Hillary wasn't asked about some of her most poignant scandals. Do you agree with Trump? Which question would you ask Hillary? Read more...
Right After The Debate Trump Gets News That Could Change The Entire Election
Well that didn't take long... As soon as Donald Trump left the debate stage, he was given surprising news that even the 'experts' can't explain. This says it all about last night's debate. Read more...
Hillary’s Top 5 Lies Of The Debate
It didn't take long for Hillary to remind us how allergic to the truth she is... she told a lot of lies last night but these 5 take the cake. C'mon Hillary, did you not think we would pay attention? Liar, liar, pants on fire. Read more...


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