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We welcome our guest speaker Amir Tsarfati from Behold Israel. Amir speaks in general about End -Time Topics and highlights the following:
1. God wants to dwell among His people
2. Situation on the Temple Mount and metal detectors
3. Ezekiel war and the Gog and Magog war in Revelation
4. The rapture of the Church
5. Restoration of Israel to the Lord at the end of the Tribulation
We highly recommend to watch this video.
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We welcome our guest speaker Amir Tsarfati from Behold Israel. Amir speaks in general about End -Time Topics and highlights the following:
1. God wants to dwell among His people
2. Situation on the Temple Mount and metal detectors
3. Ezekiel war and the Gog and Magog war in Revelation
4. The rapture of the Church
5. Restoration of Israel to the Lord at the end of the Tribulation
We highly recommend to watch this video.
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