Friday, October 27, 2017

Sharia Sarsour Credits Women’s March with Healing the Nation‘Psychologically’

She's crazy to think that.

The sharia-loving, terror-tied Palestinian Muslim activist Linda Sarsour believes the Women’s March — where enraged feminists dressed as vaginas and wore knitted “pussy hats” all while shouting violent fantasies against newly sworn in President Trump — healed the nation “psychologically.” Sarsour made this wacky statement on Sally Kohn’s State of Resistance podcast on Thursday. 
"If we didn’t have the Women’s March, I honestly don’t know where we’d be as a nation psychologically,” Sarsour, a leader of the march, said.

The Freedom Center’s David Horowitz had a pretty good idea:

Because it definitely seems like the Left is no where near sane. You’ve got Rosie O’Donnell barely functioning a year after the election, and then there are nationwide screaming therapy sessions scheduled for the upcoming anniversary of Trump’s election. If anything, the nation of leftists are in psychological peril at this point. And when Sarsour, the woman who publicly called for "jihad" against Trump, is their leading voice, something is very wrong in the minds of the Left.

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