Friday, June 22, 2018

Former Planned Parenthood President: “No Good Ever Comes From a Room Full of White Men”

Abortion activists take every opportunity they can to bash the Trump administration, in big ways and small.
And it’s becoming really disingenuous.
On Wednesday, President Donald Trump held a meeting with lawmakers to discuss the separation of illegal immigrant children from their families at the borders, which has prompted a massive outcry. Abortion activists jumped on board with the criticisms, but even when Trump took action, they found something new to complain about.
Lauren Dobson-Hughes, the former president of Planned Parenthood Ottawa, bashed the president for discussing the issue in a “room full of white men.”
“No good ever comes from a room full of white men,” she tweeted, quoting Elmira Bayrasli, co-founder of Foreign Policy Interrupted.
Dobson-Hughes, who led the abortion giant’s Ottawa branch, was just one of several abortion activists who used a photo of the White House meeting to lob even more criticisms at the administration, according to The Hill. There were several women present at the meeting, including Congresswoman Liz Cheney of Wyoming.
But these constant complaints have more to do with gaining political points for the abortion industry than caring about individuals.
The pro-abortion lobby tends to jump on board with every popular liberal issue of the day. That’s not to say that there are no legitimate concerns about immigration and other matters, but the abortion industry’s voice in these matters is horribly disingenuous.
Take, for example, Planned Parenthood’s fight with its Colorado employees who are trying to form a union. In the public eye, the abortion giant claims to support workers’ rights, a fair wage and other workplace-related issues. But in private, it is fighting against these very things within its own walls.
What’s more, the abortion industry readily and openly embraces powerful white men who are more than happy to push their pro-abortion agenda. Some of these men recently have been accused of sexually harassing and abusing vulnerable women and girls – the same people who Planned Parenthood and other abortion groups claim to fight for.
And as a new film expose by Live Action demonstrates, the abortion industry does not truly care about women. It ignores the voices of young abuse victims, takes their cash, aborts their unborn babies and sends them back to their abusers without reporting the suspected abuse to authorities.
The bottom line: It’s all just political talk.
Several pro-abortion Democrats have thrown around Bible verses in the midst of the immigration debate. With that in mind, one verse seems apropos when dealing with the abortion industry: “You shall know them by their fruits,” Matthew 7:16.
Society should judge people’s merits, not by the color of their skin, their gender or even their political party, but by their actions and what they produce. And what has the abortion industry produced? Nearly 60 million aborted babies and countless hurting mothers and fathers.

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