Nine Abortionists Caught Doing Abortions on Girls as Young as 12, Not Reporting Sexual Assault to Authorities
Nine abortion practitioners in the state of Indiana have been caught failing to report child sex abuse in cases where they did abortions on the babies of young girls. The nine abortionists in question did abortions on the girls as young as 12 years of age without reporting cases of sex abuse or statutory rape to law enforcement officials as required by law.
The new information follows on the heels of a massive expose’ of the Planned Parenthood abortion business and its long history of failing to report child sex abuse and sexual assault against underage girls to authorities.
Today, concerned Hoosier mothers and other pro-life activists are holding five news conferences throughout Indiana regarding Indiana abortion doctors and child sex abuse. Indiana law requires reporting of abortions on girls under 16 to the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) and the Indiana Department of Child Services (DCS) within three days of the abortion so that authorities can investigate potential child sex abuse.
In Indiana, it’s a crime for a person 18 or over to engage in any sexual activity with a child under age 16. Indiana lawmakers clarified state reporting requirements in 2017, instructing abortion doctors to report all abortions on girls under 16 to ISDH and DCS within three days of the abortion. Prior to July 1, 2017, state law explicitly required the reporting of abortions on girls under 14.
But nine abortion practitioners apparently failed to file such reports in 48 cases involving girls as young as 12-years-old.
As a result, 48 consumer complaints have been filed against those abortionists, who include Jeffrey Glazer, Caitlin Bernard, Cassandra Cashman, Carol Dellinger, Mandy Gittler, Kathleen Glover, Martin Haskell, Resad Pasic and Sarah Turner. They are employed at all licensed Indiana abortion facilities: Women’s Med Center in Indianapolis, Clinic for Women in Indianapolis, and Planned Parenthood in Indianapolis, Lafayette, Bloomington and Merrillville.
According to information Indiana Right to Life provided LifeNews today, some of the girls under 16 who had abortions that weren’t reported to DCS were as young as 12 and 13. The alleged 48 instances of failure to report occurred since July 1, 2017. The 48 consumer complaints have been filed with Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill and the Indiana State Department of Health. The Marion, Lake, Tippecanoe and Monroe county prosecutors have also been notified.
One abortionist was singled out for the most complaints.
“The pro-life community is especially concerned with the apparent non-reporting of underage abortions by abortion doctor Glazer. Glazer has 11 complaints filed against him, including for not notifying DCS of an abortion on a 12-year-old girl. Glazer was recently listed as the medical director for Whole Women’s Health Alliance’s proposed abortion facility in South Bend. The state denied its license application citing poor character and integrity of that company,” Indiana Right to Life indicated.
The five news conferences today throughout Indiana will share information about every licensed abortion facility in Indiana and the facility in South Bend that applied for an Indiana abortion license.
“In the era of #MeToo and #TimesUp, we’re demanding answers and action,” said Cathie Humbarger, Vice President of Policy Enforcement for Indiana Right to Life.
She told LifeNews: “The 48 complaints represent a widespread problem throughout Indiana’s abortion industry. These nine abortion doctors must be held accountable. Their alleged negligence has further victimized the children suffering at the hands of their perpetrators. We call on the Indiana Medical Licensing Board, the Indiana State Department of Health and local prosecutors to take appropriate action against these abortion doctors, including review of their medical licenses and fines for each non-report. Possible cover-up of child sexual abuse cannot be tolerated. An immediate suspension of licenses for abortion facilities may be in order pending a complete investigation.”
Two additional complaints are also being filed against Lafayette’s Planned Parenthood for reporting two surgical abortions; Lafayette is only permitted to do chemical abortions.
Indiana Right to Life and its county affiliates uncovered the reporting issues by examining publicly-available termination of pregnancy reports, such as this one.