Spanish students forced out of their houses to make room for Muslim migrants
The Spanish authorities have here made their priorities clear. They would rather inundate their nation with Muslim migrants — from this ship that was rejected by Italy’s new patriotic government — rather than take care of their own people. The implications for Spain’s future, and Europe’s in general, are obvious. Spanish authorities are going to be reaping the poison fruit of this decision for generations to come, as the Reconquista begins in reverse, and the Muslim migrants they have welcomed begin to behave as…Muslim migrants have behaved everywhere they have ever gone. Spain can see this coming. But it doesn’t.
“Spanish students forced out of their houses to make room for Aquarius migrants,” by Ben Perchiron, Voice of Europe, June 18, 2018:
Hundreds of immigrants arriving aboard the Aquarius, docked yesterday afternoon in Alicante, where their children, aged between 12 and 17-years-old will be in the custody of social workers.Several students from the local student residence are now being forced from their lodgings despite having paid their accommodation fees so the migrants, arriving from Libya, can be housed, according to the online daily Actualidad Valdepeñas.A young German language student in Alicante named Rubén, who is planning to live and work in Germany in his future, paid €750 a month for his room, has now been forced to leave along with the other students housed there.His mother has stated that her son has had to leave the residence to make room for the Aquarius migrants: “They have told us that they cannot be there because they come with many illnesses, so this is a health issue”.“It’s like we are solving one problem by causing others, and this is a big problem because right now there is nowhere in Alicante for my son to live and continue with his studies. We are going to go there to see if we can find something, but it will be very difficult since everything is already booked for the Summer months,” she explains….
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