Monday, June 25, 2018

The 06/25/2018 Jihad Watch Daily Digest:
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Jared Kushner: Mideast peace plan coming soon, with or without Abbas
By Robert Spencer on Jun 24, 2018 02:24 pm

Jared Kushner: Mideast peace plan coming soon, with or without Abbas
Any negotiated settlement between the Israelis and the “Palestinians,” with or without Abbas, is doomed to failure. The United Nations 1948 two-state solution, Camp David, Oslo, the Road Map to Peace, the withdrawal from Gaza, the West Bank settlement freeze and more — attempt after attempt to bring peace to Israel and the Palestinian Arab […]

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Robert Spencer: Muslim Cleric Falsely Claims That Muslims “Never Killed Jews Just For Being Jews”
By Robert Spencer on Jun 24, 2018 02:17 pm

Robert Spencer: Muslim Cleric Falsely Claims That Muslims “Never Killed Jews Just For Being Jews”
My latest at the Geller Report: Fake news is a big problem today: see Time Magazine’s vicious new cover. But fake news also extends to rewriting history to influence public policy today. In the course of denying the Holocaust in a speech last month, as reported by MEMRI, Kuwaiti Muslim cleric Sheikh Jihad Al-‘Ayesh claimed […]

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UK: Islamic school chief discovered with weapons and over $530,000 in cash
By Robert Spencer on Jun 24, 2018 02:10 pm

UK: Islamic school chief discovered with weapons and over $530,000 in cash
“At court this morning, the school fended off the closure bid by agreeing that Mr Musa, and his son, will have ‘no involvement whatsoever’ with the school in the future.” Oh, that will fix everything. “Islamic school head forced out after weapons and £400,000 cash found at flat in grounds,” by Tristan Kirk, Evening Standard, […]

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Iraq: Muslims kidnap 30 villagers, murder seven shepherds
By Robert Spencer on Jun 24, 2018 01:58 pm

Iraq: Muslims kidnap 30 villagers, murder seven shepherds
“He said residents could not defend themselves because their weapons had been confiscated, first by US-led forces which invaded Iraq in 2003, by IS from 2014 and then again by Iraqi security forces and their paramilitary allies.” Now there’s an interesting fact to ponder. “7 shepherds killed as IS ‘danger’ grips Iraqi desert,” Gulf Times, […]

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Mozambique: Muslims murder five, including a sleeping child, and burn down 44 houses
By Robert Spencer on Jun 24, 2018 01:53 pm

Mozambique: Muslims murder five, including a sleeping child, and burn down 44 houses
Will the Islamophobia never end? “Five deaths in attack on Litandacua, Chai – AIM report,” Club of Mozambique, June 21, 2018 (thanks to The Religion of Peace): Unidentified armed men, believed to be members of the islamist group known locally as “Al Shabaab”, killed five people on Tuesday night in an attack against the village […]

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Minnesota: Bacon found at mosque, hate crime investigation, solidarity vigil for Muslim community
By Robert Spencer on Jun 24, 2018 01:39 pm

Minnesota: Bacon found at mosque, hate crime investigation, solidarity vigil for Muslim community
Was there ever a Sunrise Solidarity Vigil held for the hundreds of thousands of Christians who were killed, driven from their homes, enslaved, subjugated, or persecuted in other ways by Islamic jihadis? When one considers the scope and magnitude of the Muslim persecution of Christians and other non-Muslims in recent years, a few strips of […]

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Muslim Brotherhood-linked Rep. Ellison says Muslims may prepare pork for hell-bound infidels
By Robert Spencer on Jun 24, 2018 01:21 pm

Muslim Brotherhood-linked Rep. Ellison says Muslims may prepare pork for hell-bound infidels
The sharp dichotomy in Islam between believers and unbelievers, and the deeply ingrained lack of charity toward the latter, is seldom remarked upon in the establishment media, but it seems that Muslim Brotherhood-linked Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) recently let the mask slip. “Muhammad is the apostle of Allah. Those who follow him are merciful to […]

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Over 99% of Syrian refugees admitted to UK in 2017 were Muslims, despite “horrendous persecution” of Christians
By Robert Spencer on Jun 24, 2018 01:07 pm

Over 99% of Syrian refugees admitted to UK in 2017 were Muslims, despite “horrendous persecution” of Christians
Syria was 10% Christian before the war started, and the Christian communities have been targeted for persecution. The May government, however, has its obvious priorities. It must not do anything that might offend its Muslim constituency and lose its votes, after all. “Just one in 400 Syrian refugees Christian despite ‘horrendous persecution,’” by Camilla Tominey, […]

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US taxpayer money going to Islamic charity with ties to jihad terror groups
By Robert Spencer on Jun 24, 2018 01:00 pm

US taxpayer money going to Islamic charity with ties to jihad terror groups
In Islam, zakat — the alms required of every Muslim — can and should be given to further the jihad. So it shouldn’t surprise anyone that there are so many jihad-linked charities. “Report: Taxpayers’ Money Going To Islamic Charity Group With Ties To Terrorist Groups,” by Eric Lieberman, Daily Caller, June 23, 2018 (thanks to […]

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Indonesia: Muslim cleric masterminded deadly jihad massacres from his jail cell
By Robert Spencer on Jun 24, 2018 08:00 am

Indonesia: Muslim cleric masterminded deadly jihad massacres from his jail cell
A Muslim cleric did this? A man who has dedicated his life to understanding Islam properly and communicating it effectively? How did he overlook all of the Qur’an’s exhortations to peace and tolerance that Western non-Muslim analysts are so sure are in there without actually having opened the book? “Indonesia hands death sentence to Islamic […]

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Video: Robert Spencer on the New York truck jihadi and the US failure regarding the jihad threat
By Robert Spencer on Jun 24, 2018 07:00 am

Video: Robert Spencer on the New York truck jihadi and the US failure regarding the jihad threat
Yesterday I spoke at the Young America’s Foundation’s Reagan Ranch June Conference on New York City truck jihadi Sayfullo Saipov and the ongoing willful ignorance regarding the nature and magnitude of the jihad threat. Preorder The History of Jihad From Muhammad to ISIS here.

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Spain: Muslim migrant sexually assaults six children
By Robert Spencer on Jun 24, 2018 06:31 am

Spain: Muslim migrant sexually assaults six children
Why does this keep happening? Sexual assault occurs in all cultures, but only in Islam does it have divine sanction. One survivor of a Muslim rape gang in the UK said that her rapists would quote Quran to her, and believed their actions justified by Islam. The Qur’an teaches that Infidel women can be lawfully […]

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