Friday, June 22, 2018

Pro-Abortion Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand Says She’s “Wearing the Armor of God” to Battle President Trump

Pro-abortion Democrats are pulling out religious quotes to blast the Trump administration amid reports about immigrant children being separated from their parents at the borders.
U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York told Politico this week that she is wearing the “Armor of God” to battle the Trump administration on a number of issues, including immigration.
Gillibrand described herself as a passionate, faith-inspired advocate for children. She said she believes in right and wrong, and regularly attends Bible studies in the capital.
But her devotion to her Christian faith and children fall short when measured up to her long history of abortion advocacy.
According to the report:
Referencing the “devil’s schemes” from the Book of Ephesians, the New York senator said President Donald Trump’s administration qualifies for that label “if you were talking in Christian language.”
“To me? Yes, these are all things that come from the darkness that are ripping children from their mothers’ arms. That’s outrageous. I mean, that is not a positive, good thing. It is an evil, dark thing,” she told me in an interview for the latest episode of POLITICO’s Off Message podcast.
She ducked calling Trump himself evil, or saying that the person she accuses of acting out the devil’s schemes is the devil himself. But she said what he’s doing certainly is. …
The rest of that passage in Ephesians is about believers taking up the “armor of God”—the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit. Gillibrand goes to three Bible study sessions on the Hill each week, and really is the only Democrat who attends in the Wednesday group convened by Oklahoma Sen. Jim Lankford, really was there that morning in December when aides pulled her out after Trump’s tweeted about her “‘begging’ for campaign contributions not so long ago (and would do anything for them).” And she really does see herself as wearing the “armor of God” (including, in the words of Ephesians 6:16, the “shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one”).
She argued that many of the Trump administration’s actions are “rooted in hate,” including building a border wall, marginalizing transgender military members and children, pollution and a lack of support for immigrant children.
“There is right versus wrong. Unfortunately, wrong is winning in a lot of ways. And so what my job is, is to stand firm, to stand strong, have the belt of truth around my waist,” Gillibrand said in the interview.
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But in 2015, Gillibrand refused to even consider what the truth might be about Planned Parenthood, a major donor to her political campaigns. When the abortion chain’s baby body parts scandal came out, she defended Planned Parenthood while admitting she had not and would not watch any of the undercover footage.
Her support of children does not even extend to viable, late-term unborn babies. She previously supported an omnibus abortion bill that would have invalidated nearly all state and federal limitations on abortion, including bans on late-term abortions.
She has received tens of thousands of dollars in political donations from Planned Parenthood, including more than $15,000 for her 2018 campaign.
Gillibrand might see these Trump actions as evil policies, but let’s not kid ourselves about the one and only sacrament of the Democratic Party. She belongs to the political organization that tried chasing out all of its pro-lifers and then settled on the formulation that they could stay as long as they kept their mouths shut. At least some Republicans oppose the Trump administration’s policies and can open their mouths to say so publicly.

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