Friday, June 22, 2018

The 06/20/2018 Jihad Watch Daily Digest:
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Australian Broadcasting Corporation lauds hijab as “sensuous,” “source of empowerment”
By Robert Spencer on Jun 19, 2018 05:25 pm

Australian Broadcasting Corporation lauds hijab as “sensuous,” “source of empowerment”
The Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s slant on this issue was predictable, but not for that any more excusable. The real women who need “empowerment” are not those who wear the hijab, who are praised and hailed in article after article like this one, and celebrated in World Hijab Day, but those women who have been brutalized […]

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“This book shows that the foreign policy establishment of the West is on the wrong track, and has been for decades”
By Robert Spencer on Jun 19, 2018 04:55 pm

“This book shows that the foreign policy establishment of the West is on the wrong track, and has been for decades”
I was recently interviewed by Saurav Dutt about my new book, The History of Jihad From Muhammad to ISIS, which you can preorder here. “Robert Spencer : The History of Jihad: From Muhammad to ISIS,” by Saurav Dutt, Medium, June 14, 2018: I sat down to speak with Robert Spencer about his hard hitting new book […]

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Trump withdrawing US from UN Human Rights Council over its “relentless, pathological campaign” against Israel
By Robert Spencer on Jun 19, 2018 04:43 pm

Trump withdrawing US from UN Human Rights Council over its “relentless, pathological campaign” against Israel
Bravo. Long overdue. At last, an administration that doesn’t respect the polite fiction that the UN is a neutral arbiter. Next step should be withdrawal from the UN altogether, and its expulsion from New York City. “Trump administration withdrawing from UN Human Rights Council,” by Andrew O’Reilly, Fox News, June 19, 2018: The Trump administration […]

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Australia: Three KFC stores refuse to sell bacon on sandwiches, as they use only halal products
By Robert Spencer on Jun 19, 2018 04:35 pm

Australia: Three KFC stores refuse to sell bacon on sandwiches, as they use only halal products
The principle is always and everywhere the same: in Muslim countries, non-Muslims should change their behavior to conform to Muslim sensibilities. And in non-Muslim countries, non-Muslims should change their behavior to conform to Muslim sensibilities. If you’re a non-Muslim in Punchbowl and want bacon on your KFC sandwich, you’re out of luck. The Muslims eschew […]

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Robert Spencer in FrontPage: When I Tried to Give Gifts to the FBI
By Robert Spencer on Jun 19, 2018 04:00 pm

Robert Spencer in FrontPage: When I Tried to Give Gifts to the FBI
The idea that there was a jihad threat made Obama-era FBI agents recoil in horror. My latest in FrontPage: The Department of Justice inspector general report has begun to reveal the extent of FBI corruption, and it’s pandemic. One notable indication of this corruption that the report reveals is that the Obama-era FBI was only […]

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UK: Muslim attacked cops with 4-foot sword, left note, “By the time you read this note I will be in paradise with Allah”
By Robert Spencer on Jun 19, 2018 10:32 am

UK: Muslim attacked cops with 4-foot sword, left note, “By the time you read this note I will be in paradise with Allah”
Just another day in the gloriously diverse UK. “‘Queen hating’ Uber driver ‘attacked police with 4ft sword’ outside Buckingham Palace,” by Joe Gamp, Express, June 18, 2018: An ISIS-supporting Uber driver in London accused of attempting to run down police officers outside Buckingham Palace and attack them with a samurai sword allegedly did so because […]

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Australia: Muslim mob screaming “F*** off Christians” stomps on Christian’s head and breaks table over his head
By Robert Spencer on Jun 19, 2018 09:53 am

Australia: Muslim mob screaming “F*** off Christians” stomps on Christian’s head and breaks table over his head
No one will pay any particular attention to this. But just imagine the international outcry had the roles been reversed. This would be front-page news for weeks. That in itself demonstrates that the establishment media is more interested in pushing an agenda than actually reporting events. “‘Muslims were calling Christians f***ing dogs’: Inside the Liberal […]

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Hugh Fitzgerald: Swiss Foreign Minister Tells the Truth, Causes “Surprise and Consternation”
By Hugh Fitzgerald on Jun 19, 2018 09:36 am

Hugh Fitzgerald: Swiss Foreign Minister Tells the Truth, Causes “Surprise and Consternation”
The latest news from Switzerland: Experts have reacted with surprise and consternation to Swiss foreign affairs minister Ignazio Cassis’ comments that the United Nations’ aid work for Palestinian refugees is a stumbling block to peace in the Middle East. So long as Palestinians live in refugee camps, they can dream of returning home, Cassis said […]

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The Grotesque Immorality of Mainstream Islamic Ethics (Part 1)
By Saleem Smith on Jun 19, 2018 09:16 am

The Grotesque Immorality of Mainstream Islamic Ethics (Part 1)
I am a Canadian ex-Muslim male; I converted to Islam and stayed in the religion for approximately four years, before leaving it due to disbelief and moral disgust. Now I live every day with Islam’s formal and informal death penalty for apostasy, hoping that my former Muslim friends don’t recognize me on the street. The […]

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Canada: Jihadists bolder than ever, and Trudeau weakens anti-terrorism laws
By Christine Douglass-Williams on Jun 19, 2018 09:02 am

Canada: Jihadists bolder than ever, and Trudeau weakens anti-terrorism laws
While some of Canada’s worst cold-blooded murderers are locked up in penitentiaries, jihadists who are even worse are running free among Canadian citizens, welcomed in by the Prime Minister himself. He also tells Canadians that despite these facts, that they can feel safe. Abu Huzaifa al-Kanadi is a jihadist of one of the worst kinds; […]

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Italy: Palermo mayor wants fully open borders, compares residency permits to “death penalty”
By Christine Douglass-Williams on Jun 19, 2018 08:47 am

Italy:  Palermo mayor wants fully open borders, compares residency permits to “death penalty”
Mayor of the Sicilian city of Palermo Leoluca Orlando has declared that Italy should ban residency permits altogether and allow migrants to flood into the country, comparing the permits as morally equivalent to the death penalty. In Leoluca Orlando’s view, all vetting of immigrants and refugees must stop now. The Italian mayor’s comments show him […]

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Finland: Muslim asylum seeker who went on stabbing spree gets life sentence, i.e. 12 to 20 years
By Christine Douglass-Williams on Jun 19, 2018 08:43 am

Finland: Muslim asylum seeker who went on stabbing spree gets life sentence, i.e. 12 to 20 years
A Moroccan asylum-seeker who was the subject of Finland’s first terrorism trial was handed down a life sentence for a stabbing spree he went on last year. Abderrahman Bouanane murdered two and injured eight, yet he smiled from the dock when his trial began. He wanted to “spread fear among citizens and likely wished to […]

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Presbyterian Church USA Poised to Condemn Islam, Muhammad and the Qur’an….
By Mateen Elass on Jun 19, 2018 08:00 am

Presbyterian Church USA Poised to Condemn Islam, Muhammad and the Qur’an….
The 223rd General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA) kicks off this week (June 16-23). It promises to be an orgy of progressive delights — from bashing America’s immigration policies to demonizing fossil fuels to trashing Israel while apotheosizing Palestine to global warming warnings to the horrors of white privilege to the blessings of […]

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