Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts
UK police officers make ISIS one-finger salute
The Muslim in this photo is clearly making the sign of allegiance to the Islamic State (ISIS) in this photo: the upraised index finger. The signal of the index finger held up is, of course, used in myriad contexts, and Muslims in general have used it as a sign of allegiance to tawhid, Islam’s absolute monotheism. However, in recent years it has become very much associated with allegiance to jihad groups, particularly the Islamic State. This signal has been known to be a sign of allegiance to the Islamic State for almost as long as there has been an Islamic State. It has been describedas the group’s “ubiquitous hand signal.”
It strains credulity to think that anyone who is remotely informed today would not know its significance as a sign of support for ISIS. These police officers know very well who their new masters are.
(Thanks to Imam Tawhidi.)