California: Organizers cancel Women’s March for being too white
The left is doing all it can to polarize and destroy America. And this incident shows how ridiculous its posturing, virtue-signaling, and pandering has become. While claiming to reject “racism,” these “feminists” are more racist than anyone, and assume that something has no true or validity if it is spoken by white people only. They are the true children and heirs of the real racists in the Jim Crow South, who feared that integration would make for too much of a black presence at public events. These are not the followers of Martin Luther King, Jr. These are those who have stolen his legacy.
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“Calif. organizers cancel Women’s March for being too white,” by Valerie Richardson, Washington Times, December 28, 2018 (thanks to Mark):
Organizers of the Women’s March in Humboldt County, California, announced Friday that they have canceled the local Jan. 19 event because the marchers are overwhelmingly white.In a Facebook statement, the group said it opted to nix the third annual march “after many conversations between local social-change organizations and supporters of the march,” saying they would work on how to “broaden representation in the organizing committee.”“Up to this point, the participants have been overwhelmingly white, lacking representation from several perspectives in our community,” said the statement. “Instead of pushing forward with crucial voices absent, the organizing team will take time for more outreach.”The Humboldt County group said it was still interested in holding an event in March on International Women’s Day.PROOF OF WHAT A SCAM THIS IS…Organizers cancel Women’s March Jan. 19 due to ‘overwhelmingly white’ participants
— Lyrnn Carter (@lyrnncarter05) December 28, 2018Some followers on Facebook said they were disappointed in the decision.“I was saddened to hear that the March is off for 1/19,” said David Holper. “Isn’t there still time to reach out to minority groups and make this event more inclusive? I’d be happy to help.”Others pointed out that the Northern California community of about 137,000, located near the Oregon border, is predominantly white….
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