Syrian women to the EU: “Kick our men out and send them home – we need them here”
“Look around, you see only women. At the University, in the street, in cafes, only women. Most young men left Syria.” That in itself demonstrates conclusively that the mass Muslim migration into Europe is not a “refugee crisis.” What kind of “refugees” are young, military-age males who leave their wives and children behind in a war zone? This is not a “refugee crisis,” it’s a hijrah: a migration for the sake of Islam, in order to bring Islam to the new land. And its chief enablers are Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron, Theresa May, and the rest of the feckless European leaders who are busy destroying their own societies.
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“Syrian women to the EU: ‘Kick our men out and send them home – we need them here,” Voice of Europe, December 24, 2018:
The war in Syria has led to a shortage of men in the country. Now the Syrian women want their men back, and ask the EU to “kick them out” so that they return and help rebuild the country….The long, bloody war has left deep traces in Syria’s demographics. An on-site reporter notes that “about 70 per cent of the people he meets are young women”.“Look around, you see only women. At the University, in the street, in cafes, only women. Most young men left Syria,” says the female students Safaa and Sheima.Another woman, Lina, says that Assad should give those who fled from the military service amnesty, but she also has a proposal to the countries that have taken in many men from Syria:“The solution is to kick them out and send them back to Syria so they can start rebuilding the country,” she says….
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