Monday, December 31, 2018

The 12/31/2018 Jihad Watch Daily Digest: Please use this link to forward to a friend (we really appreciate it),

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The 12/31/2018 Jihad Watch Daily Digest:
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Video: Elderly Christian in Gaza tells how Muslims have harassed and persecuted him
By Rami Dabbas on Dec 30, 2018 04:08 pm

Video: Elderly Christian in Gaza tells how Muslims have harassed and persecuted him
A story of persecution and injustice on the part of Hamas, told by an old Christian man in Gaza.

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Facebook bans Franklin Graham as Palestinian Mission to Berlin glorifies jihad murderer on Facebook
By Robert Spencer on Dec 30, 2018 01:53 pm

Facebook bans Franklin Graham as Palestinian Mission to Berlin glorifies jihad murderer on Facebook
Facebook has just banned Franklin Graham, apparently for the crime of posting Christian material. But note that Facebook did not take down the Palestinian Mission to Berlin’s post glorifying Leila Khaled. The Mission took it down itself under pressure from the German Foreign Ministry. Jihad is fine with Facebook; Christianity, not so much. “Germany Slams […]

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Sharia judge: It’s OK for husbands, fathers and brothers to beat disobedient women
By Robert Spencer on Dec 30, 2018 01:46 pm

Sharia judge: It’s OK for husbands, fathers and brothers to beat disobedient women
“Men have authority over women because Allah has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because Allah has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and […]

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Iraq’s Grand Mufti: “It is not permissible to celebrate the New Year,” to do so is un-Islamic
By Robert Spencer on Dec 30, 2018 01:35 pm

Iraq’s Grand Mufti: “It is not permissible to celebrate the New Year,” to do so is un-Islamic
“Allah did not create man so that he could have fun. The aim of creation was for mankind to be put to the test through hardship and prayer. An Islamic regime must be serious in every field. There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humor in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. […]

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Germany: Muslim migrant arrested on suspicion of planning jihad massacre
By Robert Spencer on Dec 30, 2018 01:23 pm

Germany: Muslim migrant arrested on suspicion of planning jihad massacre
Gratitude. Danke, Merkel! “German Police Detain Syrian National Suspected of Planning Terror Act – Reports,” Sputnik, December 30, 2018 (thanks to The Religion of Peace): MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The police of the German city of Mainz detained a Syrian national, who is suspected of preparing a terrorist attack and is thought to be linked to […]

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20th Muslim arrested in connection with jihad murders of Scandinavian tourists in Morocco
By Robert Spencer on Dec 30, 2018 01:19 pm

20th Muslim arrested in connection with jihad murders of Scandinavian tourists in Morocco
“However police spokesman Boubker Sabik has described the killers as ‘lone wolves’ and claimed ‘the crime was not coordinated with Islamic State.'” But clearly it was extensively coordinated. So much energy and effort put into jihad murder. Imagine if it were directed toward doing something useful. “Swiss man arrested over links to alleged killers of […]

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“US ally” UAE is arming Yemeni jihad leader who is on terrorist list
By Robert Spencer on Dec 30, 2018 12:35 pm

“US ally” UAE is arming Yemeni jihad leader who is on terrorist list
The source of this story is the propaganda mill known as the Washington Post, so it cannot be taken at face value, but there is nothing implausible about the prospect of the UAE arming Abu al-Abbas. For years I have said that the U.S. needs to reconfigure its global alliances in order to face the […]

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Jammu and Kashmir: Young Muslims carrying ISIS flags enter historic mosque “screaming slogans and creating a ruckus”
By Robert Spencer on Dec 30, 2018 12:14 pm

Jammu and Kashmir: Young Muslims carrying ISIS flags enter historic mosque “screaming slogans and creating a ruckus”
“The Anjuman Auqaf said it had taken a strong note of ‘this shameful incident’ and warned ‘those elements or agencies behind this incident’ that people and the Auqaf would not tolerate anyone violating the sanctity of the mosque and the pulpit at any cost.” They could most efficiently prevent such incidents in the future by […]

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A day after jihadis murder four tourists, Vatican ambassador to Egypt says “dialogue” prevents terrorism
By Robert Spencer on Dec 30, 2018 11:53 am

A day after jihadis murder four tourists, Vatican ambassador to Egypt says “dialogue” prevents terrorism
“The absence of dialogue between Al-Azhar and Vatican is the greatest gift for terrorism, Musarò added.” He said that on December 29. “Two Vietnamese tourists were killed earlier on Dec. 28 and ten others were injured in a tourist bus explosion in Marioteya district, near Giza governorate.” Apparently the jihadis who killed those tourists didn’t […]

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Hugh Fitzgerald: Australia Moves — Sort Of — Its Embassy In Israel
By Hugh Fitzgerald on Dec 30, 2018 10:00 am

Hugh Fitzgerald: Australia Moves — Sort Of — Its Embassy In Israel
When Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced that Australia would be moving its embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, it seemed like a bold step. He was, after all, ignoring threats from two important trading partners, Malaysia and Indonesia, of possible economic consequences should he transfer the embassy. Upon inspection, however, the Australian […]

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Chesler: Glazov’s “Jihadist Psychopath” Issues a Dire Warning
By Jamie Glazov on Dec 30, 2018 09:55 am

Chesler: Glazov’s “Jihadist Psychopath” Issues a Dire Warning
Author’s note:  I will be speaking at Beverly Hills Hotel on Feb. 6 about my new book: “Jihadist Psychopath.” Register HERE. Order the book HERE. It is a great honor for me that Dr. Phyllis Chesler has reviewed and praised my new book in The review is below: In Andrew Roberts’ new biography of […]

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