Dutch, German police thwart massacre in the Netherlands – 5 Muslim terrorists arrested
DW: Security forces in the Dutch city of Rotterdam and the German city of Mainz have arrested five people suspected of plotting a “terrorist crime.” Rotterdam police are investigating the scale of the terror threat. The Dutch public prosecutor’s office opened an investigation on Saturday into a suspected terror plot in the Netherlands. The counterterrorism Special Intervention Service (DSI) and police initially arrested four people in Rotterdam who were suspected of plotting a “terrorist crime,” police said.
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Police in the western German city of Mainz later detained a fifth suspect, a 26-year-old Syrian man with no prior criminal record, after searching the apartment where he was found. Police said they sought the suspect’s arrest after receiving an extradition request from Dutch authorities.
“He is strongly suspected of taking part in the preparation for an attack in the Netherlands,” police said.
by BtNews · December 30, 2018Dutch and German police arrested on Saturday five Muslim terrorists preparing a terror attack in the Netherlands.Dutch police said in a statement that four terrorists were detained in Rotterdam and officers raided multiple locations.The statement said the investigation would continue to determine the nature and scale of the planned terror attacks. However, no further details were given.In neighboring Germany, police announced the arrest of a Syrian Muslim terrorist for involvement in preparations for a terror attack in the Netherlands.Police said the 26-year-old terrorist was arrested Saturday in the western city of Mainz following an extradition request from the Netherlands. They didn’t name him, in line with local privacy laws to protect terrorists.A statement from police said the terrorist has neither an official residence nor a criminal record in Germany. The apartment where he was found was searched.German police said they couldn’t give further details, which they said are a matter for the police in the Dutch city of Rotterdam who is leading the investigation.On Friday, a 32-year-old Muslim terrorist planning a terror attack was arrested at Luton Airport after landing on an inbound flight to London.Police said the terrorist was arrested over Syria-related offenses and not for any offenses at the airport.
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