The Yishai Fleisher Show
The Most Perfect Imperfect ManMoses, our great teacher, is born in this week's Torah portion. Rav Mike Feuer joins Rabbi Yishai to start on the hard road to redemption with the most humble man who ever lived. Then, Malkah Fleisher on another great man, Binyanim Netanyahu, upcoming elections, El Al to Vegas, and Jewish birth.
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The Two Major Strategic Turning Points of 2018 Maj.Gen.Gershon Hacohen Last summer’s events in the Gaza Strip cast serious doubt on the feasibility of a complete Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank, as the proximity of that area to Israel’s main population centers and economic/strategic assets ensures its transformation into the main combat zone should it undergo a militarization process similar to that experienced by Gaza and Lebanon. The question is whether the IDF has an effective response to the advent of parallel major threats on several fronts.
The Other Intersectionality: Victims of Islamism Kenneth Levin The "intersectionality" promoted on campuses and beyond by Hamas/SJP and their fellow travelers seeks, in pursuit of its anti-Israel agenda, to distract attention from the Islamist onslaught, its ongoing savaging of populations in Africa, Asia and America.
The Jewish Threat Justin Amler We don’t seek to conquer the lands of others as did the colonialist Arab, British or European empires of old. We simply want to determine our own future, the future of the Jewish people, in our own land.
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