Monday, December 31, 2018

[VIDEO] Golda Meir: Iron Lady of the Middle East

 LeBron James Doesn’t Deserve a Free Pass 
 LeBron James Doesn’t Deserve a Free Pass 
 LeBron’s apology is the perfect example of how not to say you are sorry. 
 by Rabbi Efrem Goldberg 
LeBron James has a following on Instagram more populous than 203 countries. When nearly 46 million people sign up to read everything you have to say, you have a responsibility to be extra thoughtful, careful and mindful of what you post. LeBron is well aware of the platform he has, as he mentioned in his statement reacting to the events in Charlottesville, Virginia last year:
I know there’s a lot of tragic things happening in Charlottesville. I just want to speak on it right now. I have this platform and I’m somebody that has a voice of command, and the only way for us to get better as a society, and for us to get better as people, is love. And that’s the only way we’re going to be able to conquer something as one.


[VIDEO] The Miracle of Jewish History

by Rabbi Ken Spiro and J-TV




Song of Passaic

by Alter Yisrael Shimon Feuerman


Weekly Torah Portion Click Here...
Today's Quote – Tevet 23
What are you Working for?
Today's Photo – Tevet 23
With All Your Heart
Seeing the beauty of Israel really touches the heart. The way it is developing inspires and amazes. Today’s picture, by Daniel Malkiel, really captures one such moment.

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