Monday, December 31, 2018

The 12/30/2018 Jihad Watch Daily Digest: Please use this link to forward to a friend (we really appreciate it),

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The 12/30/2018 Jihad Watch Daily Digest:
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Washington Post admits that Qatar Foundation used Khashoggi’s columns to spread propaganda
By Robert Spencer on Dec 29, 2018 01:27 pm

Washington Post admits that Qatar Foundation used Khashoggi’s columns to spread propaganda
Here is still more confirmation that the Washington Post is not in any sense a news source. It is a propaganda outlet for the hard-Left and its Islamic allies. No wonder the Post so relentlessly and continuously demonizes foes of jihad terror and Sharia oppression. How many more paid pro-jihad propagandists are on its payroll […]

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Australia strips Islamic State jihadi of his Australian citizenship
By Robert Spencer on Dec 29, 2018 01:16 pm

Australia strips Islamic State jihadi of his Australian citizenship
All free nations should do this as a matter of course, but the suicidal British and others have instead welcomed them back. They joined an entity that has repeatedly declared that it is at war with their home countries. That should have been taken as a renunciation of citizenship. “Australian IS militant stripped of citizenship,” […]

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Egypt: Muslims murder at least four, injure 11 in bombing of tourist bus near Pyramids
By Robert Spencer on Dec 29, 2018 12:56 pm

Egypt: Muslims murder at least four, injure 11 in bombing of tourist bus near Pyramids
Islamic jihadists generally hate tourists and tourism. In Egypt, the main attractions are artifacts of the nation’s pre-Islamic civilization, and as far as they are concerned, that is jahiliyyah, the society of unbelievers, and thus worthless trash worthy of no respect. “At least 4 dead in Egypt tourist bus bombing near pyramids,” by Mohammed Tawfeeq […]

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Imams in North America calling for the murder of Jews
By Christine Douglass-Williams on Dec 29, 2018 12:00 pm

Imams in North America calling for the murder of Jews
Imams who advocate mass murder are only the tip of the iceberg of the hatred coming out of segments of Muslim society in the U.S. The same thing goes for Canada, while in Europe, Islamic anti-Semitism is on a steep rise since European nations opened their borders to multitudes of unvetted Muslim migrants. The incendiary […]

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World Hijab Day encourages non-Muslims to don hijabs in solidarity with Muslims, ignores victims of forced veiling
By Robert Spencer on Dec 29, 2018 11:33 am

World Hijab Day encourages non-Muslims to don hijabs in solidarity with Muslims, ignores victims of forced veiling
Once again non-Muslim women will signal their virtue by donning a hijab. But where is their concern for the women who have been brutalized and even killed for not wearing the hijab? Do the women who will happily participate in World Hijab Day care about Aqsa Parvez, whose Muslim father choked her to death with […]

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Pakistan: No sympathy in her home village for accused blasphemer Asia Bibi, “They should execute her”
By Christine Douglass-Williams on Dec 29, 2018 11:00 am

Pakistan: No sympathy in her home village for accused blasphemer Asia Bibi, “They should execute her”
Consider this paragraph: “I would die in the name of my religion and if someone has committed blasphemy, then they are not forgiven,” said Shawkat Ali, a 62-year-old farmer. If the supreme court has some faith in religion and if they are Muslims, they should execute her.” Those words are from a former neighbor of […]

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Hugh Fitzgerald: Pope Francis and Imam Drouiche on the Strasbourg Attack (Part Three)
By Hugh Fitzgerald on Dec 29, 2018 10:00 am

Hugh Fitzgerald: Pope Francis and Imam Drouiche on the Strasbourg Attack (Part Three)
“I am sad – he concludes – for the victims, but also because my religion is hostage in the hands of ignorant people full of hatred.” Imam Drouiche insists that Islam itself is innocent of hatred and violence. His religion is held “hostage” by these crazy extremists — “ignorant people full of hatred.” He doesn’t […]

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Canada: Synagogue backs out of hosting conference on threats to freedom and rule of law after “Islamophobia” charges
By Robert Spencer on Dec 29, 2018 09:22 am

Canada: Synagogue backs out of hosting conference on threats to freedom and rule of law after “Islamophobia” charges
The conference has not been canceled, but it will not be held at Beth Tikvah Synagogue. This is because there were not only “security concerns,” which is bad enough, as kowtowing to violent intimidation only invites more violent intimidation; there were also charges of “Islamophobia” from Michael Coren, the ex-Catholic author of Why Catholics Are […]

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Iran waging “cyber warfare” to “disrupt communication of dissidents” and “promote terrorism” worldwide
By Christine Douglass-Williams on Dec 29, 2018 09:00 am

Iran waging “cyber warfare” to “disrupt communication of dissidents” and “promote terrorism” worldwide
A NEW wave of “cyber warfare” is using “mass surveillance” to “actively disrupt the communication of protesters and dissidents” in Iran and “promote terrorism” across the globe, an explosive document has claimed. This is precisely why Islamic supremacists must never be appeased nor tolerated. They are fascist and expansionist, and while the abuse to which […]

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New Book Unearths Temple Mount Controversies
By Andrew Harrod on Dec 29, 2018 08:00 am

New Book Unearths Temple Mount Controversies
Some Jerusalem visitors “are suddenly transfixed and transformed, infused with visions and apocalyptic pretensions,” one Jerusalemite notes in The Copper Scroll Project: An Ancient Secret Fuels the Battle for the Temple Mount. Set in Israel and on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount, this recent book by Christian Zionist and longtime Israel resident Shelley Neese weaves an intriguing […]

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