Monday, December 31, 2018



Syrian women to the EU: “Kick our men out and send them home – we need them here”

“Look around, you see only women. At the University, in the street, in cafes, only women. Most young men left Syria.” That in itself demonstrates conclusively that the mass Muslim migration into Europe is not a "refugee crisis."

20th jihadi arrested in connection with Morocco tourist beheadings

'News' agencies describe him as "Swiss man who holds Spanish nationality with residence in Morocco" all of which has nothing to do with why he is a soldier of Allah.

California: Organizers cancel Women’s March for being too white

The left is doing all it can to polarize and destroy America.

WATCH Linda Sarsour Skypes with Pennsylvania high school to promote Women’s March and other radical propaganda

Why is a high school lauding and norming this Jew-hating, pro-sharia leftist?

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