Monday, December 31, 2018

Germany: ISIS Muslima charged with murder of her five year old ‘slave’ girl

Germany: ISIS Muslima charged with murder of her five year old ‘slave’ girl

A German Muslima first left Germany in August 2014 and traveled to Iraq to she joined the Islamic State. She worked for Islamic vice, the group’s self-styled morality police, where she would patrol the city parks of the Isis-occupied cities of Falluja and Mosul.
The 27-year-old German citizen and her husband purchased the child as a household “slave” when living in then Isis-occupied Mosul in northern Iraq.
“After the girl fell ill and wet her mattress, the husband of the accused chained her up outside as punishment and let the child die of thirst in the scorching heat,” they said in a statement. “The accused allowed her husband to do so and did nothing to save the girl.”
Slavery is sanctioned in Islam.
The Muslim prophet Muhammad owned slaves, and like the Bible, the Qur’an takes the existence of slavery for granted, even as it enjoins the freeing of slaves under certain circumstances, such as the breaking of an oath: “Allah will not call you to account for what is futile in your oaths, but He will call you to account for your deliberate oaths: for expiation, feed ten indigent persons, on a scale of the average for the food of your families; or clothe them; or give a slave his freedom” (5:89). Jihad theorist Sayyid Qutb adduces this as evidence that in Islam “there is no difference between a prince and a pauper, a seigneur and a slave.” Nevertheless, while the freeing of a slave or two here and there is encouraged, the institution itself is never questioned. The Qur’an even gives a man permission to have sexual relations with his slave girls as well as with his wives: “The believers must (eventually) win through, those who humble themselves in their prayers; who avoid vain talk; who are active in deeds of charity; who abstain from sex, except with those joined to them in the marriage bond, or (the captives) whom their right hands possess, for (in their case) they are free from blame” (23:1-6). A Muslim is not to have sexual relations with a woman who is married to someone else¯except a slave girl: “And all married women (are forbidden unto you) save those (captives) whom your right hands possess. It is a decree of Allah for you” (4:24). (source: Robert Spencer)


‘Jennifer W’ charged with war crimes in Germany after child chained up outside in Iraq
Agence France-Presse, The Guardian, 29 Dec 2018:
A German female member of Islamic State is facing war crimes charges in her home country for letting a five-year-old girl die of thirst in the scorching sun.
The 27-year-old German citizen identified only as Jennifer W and her husband purchased the child as a household “slave” when living in then Isis-occupied Mosul in northern Iraq in 2015, German prosecutors said on Friday.
“After the girl fell ill and wet her mattress, the husband of the accused chained her up outside as punishment and let the child die of thirst in the scorching heat,” they said in a statement. “The accused allowed her husband to do so and did nothing to save the girl.”
The federal prosecutors said they had laid the charges of war crimes, murder and weapons offences on 14 December in a Munich court that deals with state security and terrorism cases.
W had first left Germany in August 2014 and travelled via Turkey and Syria to Iraq where she joined Isis the following month. Recruited to a vice squad of the group’s self-styled morality police, she would patrol the city parks of the Isis-occupied cities of Falluja and Mosul.
“Her task was to ensure that women comply with the behavioural and clothing regulations established by the terrorist organisation,” said the statement. For intimidation, the accused carried an assault rifle of the type Kalashnikov, a pistol and an explosives vest.”
W visited the German embassy in Ankara to apply for new identity papers in January 2016, months after the child’s death. Turkish security services arrested her when she left the mission and and she was extradited to Germany a few days later.
For lack of actionable evidence against her, she was initially allowed to return to her home in the state of Lower Saxony. “Since then her declared goal has been to return to the territory under Islamic State rule,” said the prosecutors. When she attempted to again travel to Syria in June, German police arrested her.
No date has been set yet for the start of the trial. If found guilty, she would face a life sentence.


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