Sunday, March 31, 2019

WOW: 2020 Dem ‘Glad’ Mueller Report Vindicated Trump; Says Charging Him Would’ve Meant ‘Civil War’

Joining in with every other Democrat who wanted to comment on the Mueller report was Rep. Tulsi Gabbard from Hawaii.
However, her comments were very much unlike that of her democratic counterparts.
As reported by Yahoo:
Distinguishing herself in a crowded field of Democrats running for president, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii, called Robert Mueller’s decision not to charge Donald Trump with colluding with Russia during the 2016 election “a good thing for our country.”
A “good thing?” Did I hear that correctly?
That doesn’t sound like a Democrat. But first of all, who is this Gabbard?
According to Vox:
When Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) was first elected to Congress in 2012 amid an ocean of positive press, the Iraq War veteran seemed like a sure-thing for a 2020 presidential run. But after she announced her intent to run on Friday, Gabbard didn’t get the marquee treatment her early supporters would have predicted.
That’s because the one-time progressive star has alienated many of her early supporters over her conservative stances on Islam and foreign wars.
Gabbard initially excited the left because she was an outspoken economic progressive and a veteran who objected to American intervention abroad. She was also the first Hindu member of Congress. Nancy Pelosi called her an “emerging star”; MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow predicted that “she is on the fast track to being very famous.”
So why is it that the Lefties don’t really like her anymore?
Unfortunately, she’s one of those pesky peeps that AREN’T socialists. She is more or less conservative in some of her values and that has made her a target.
It is certain that her comments on the Mueller report will only further her alienation from the cool kids in Congress.
As reported by Yahoo:
Gabbard, who lags in 2020 polls behind better-known rivals, said in a video posted to her Twitter account that “now that Mueller has reported that his investigation revealed no such collusion, we all need to put aside our partisan interests and recognize that finding that the president of the United States did not conspire with Russia to interfere with our elections is a good thing for our country.”
A good thing for our country?  Did we just hear that right?  Yes, we did.
I don’t know about you, but to hear a “liberal” talk in this type of speech feels almost unheard of. She’s not bullying, blaming, or misdirecting.
How is it that she survived in the Democratic party thus far?
Even more interesting in her narrative was the relief about not needing to indict the president. Yahoo continues:
Explaining her rationale, Gabbard said that “if the president had been indicted for conspiring with Russia to interfere with and affect the outcome of our elections, it would have precipitated a terrible crisis that could have led to civil war.”
Gabbard then called on lawmakers to unite and pass her own legislation that seeks to secure U.S. elections by mandating paper ballots “that would make it impossible for Russia or any other country or rogue actor to come in and manipulate or change the results of our elections.”
She’s being rational, which must explain why less than 1% of the Democrats surveyed in a recent poll said they would actually vote for her in the 2020 election.
Some people just don’t know how to pick a party!
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