Sunday, March 31, 2019

Hugh Fitzgerald: Egyptian Researcher, “We Should Erect A Statue To Hitler”

Hugh Fitzgerald: Egyptian Researcher, “We Should Erect A Statue To Hitler”

Here is the latest vivid example of Muslim Arab antisemitism:
Egyptian researched [sic] Mohamed Gad El-Zoghby was asked in a February 9, 2019 interview on Safa TV (Saudi Arabia/Egypt) who was worse: Adolf Hitler or Imam Khomeini. He answered: “Objectively speaking, Hitler wins. But as far as we’re concerned, we should erect a statue of Hitler for what he did to the Jews.” El-Zoghby accused Imam Khomeini of collaborating with the Jews and praised Hitler for supporting the Arab cause in Palestine. [El-Zoghby is a researcher and a poet. He has a master’s degree in shari’a and law from Ain Shams University.]
Interviewer: Who was worse – ideologically and in practice – Hitler or Khomeini?
Mohamed Gad El-Zoghby: Objectively, or just as far as we are concerned? Objectively speaking, Hitler wins. But as far as we’re concerned, we should erect a statue of Hitler for what he did to the Jews. Khomeini allied himself with the Jews, whereas Hitler was their enemy and fought them. In addition, Hitler met with the Mufti of Jerusalem, Amin Al-Husseini, and he completely supported the Arab cause in Palestine. We must never forget this.
An Egyptian “researcher and a poet,” Mohamed Gad El-Zoghby recognizes that “objectively” Hitler is “worse” than the Ayatollah Khomeini, or indeed than anyone else in world history, except that for “us” — that is, Muslim Arabs — he explains, Hitler is a true hero, to whom we should erect a statue (has El-Zoghby forgotten that statues of living creatures are forbidden in Islam?), “for what he did to the Jews.” Killing six million of them, gassing them, shooting them, burning them alive — what a splendid fellow was that Adolf. And let’s remember, too, that Hitler was deeply sympathetic to the Mufti of Jerusalem, Hajj Amin el-Husseini, and to the Arab Muslim cause for which he stood, that is to say, the destruction of all the Jews in Palestine.
El-Zoghby previously appeared at the website in September, 2018, for publicly accusing “U.S. President Herzl” of garnering support for the “Zionist Enterprise.” Just as his knowledge of American presidents leaves something to be desired, so, too, does El-Zoghby’s comprehension of Shi’a Islam, when he makes the startling claim that “Khomeini allied himself with Jews.” We understand the primitive logic here. Jews are bad, the enemies of Sunni Muslims. Khomeini is bad, the enemy of Sunni Muslims. So naturally Jews and Khomeini must be allies. Q.E.D.
We could humor El-Zoghby, I suppose. Why not present him with evidence of this alliance between Khomeini and the Jews, the kind only he could take seriously? Why else, we could suggest, would Khomeini have had Habib Elghanayan, the leader of the Jewish community in Iran, executed? Why else would he have constantly ranted against Israel as “the Little Satan,” and declared it had to be destroyed? Why would he have so often denounced Jews all over the world unless he were deliberately trying to hide the very opposite — that is, his secret alliance with the Jews? By ranting against them, even by killing some of them (very convincing, that), Khomeini did a brilliant job of pretending to be the mortal enemy, instead of the fast friend, of the Jews. He fooled almost everyone. But he couldn’t fool Mohamed Gad El-Zoghby, “researcher and poet,” who saw right through the masquerade.
El-Zoghby’s paean of praise to Hitler, who did so much for the Muslim Arabs by murdering all those millions of Jews who might otherwise have strengthened the Zionist cause, seems both horrifying and bizarre to us in the West, but such praise of Hitler is not hard to find in the Arab and Muslim world. El-Zoghby is not alone. Google a bit, and all sorts of hair-raising examples of Arab and Muslim antisemitism will appear. It’s important to remind ourselves, and especially those in the West who continue to think that antisemitism remains a monopoly of neo-Nazis and the alt-right, that the chief carriers of the virus of antisemitism today are Muslims. El-Zoghby is one useful example; there are so many.
Finally, it’s also good to have El-Zoghby remind us all of the close link between the leader of the Palestinian Arabs, Hajj Amin El-Husseini, and the Nazis. Hitler and El-Husseini met on November 28, 1941. They understood one another perfectly. Not only did El-Husseini  successfully urge Hitler not to allow any Jews to escape from Europe to Palestine, but he personally recruited Bosnian Muslims to serve in a separate division of the Waffen SS. In the summer of 1943, El-Husseini met with Heinrich Himmler, who confided in him that the extermination of Europe’s Jews was well under way, with three million already killed. El-Husseini was delighted at this news. At the end of the war, El-Husseini narrowly escaped being prosecuted as a war criminal by fleeing to Cairo. He was one of many war criminals who found safety in Arab countries. Many German and Austrian war criminals, not only found refuge, like El-Husseini, but also were well-rewarded for teaching the Arabs in Egypt and Syria the Nazi methods of interrogation and intelligence-gathering.
The next time you hear some Muslim apologist, at one of those Ask-A-Muslim-Anything events,  claim that Muslims are suffering now as the “new Jews,” raise your hand and politely remind all those present of what good relations Hajj Amin El-Husseini had with Hitler, how he raised a Muslim division of the Waffen SS, how he learned from Himmler himself about the progress of the Final Solution, and how even today, there are people like Mohamed Gad El-Zoghby in the Arab and Muslim world who do not deplore, but celebrate Hitler, even suggesting that grateful Arabs and Muslims should put up a statue in his honor. And then give a few examples, from the wave of brutal and even murderous attacks on Jews by Muslims today, in a dozen European cities, which make clear that the “new Jews” are not Muslims but still, alas, the “Jews.”


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