Sunday, March 31, 2019

France: Catholic churches vandalized, set on fire and smeared with excrement

France: Catholic churches vandalized, set on fire and smeared with excrement

Here is still more of the poison fruit of Macron’s reckless, feckless, suicidal policies regarding mass Muslim migration. There is little doubt that the perpetrators of this vandalism are Muslims; there is no other group that combines contempt for and hatred of Christianity with doctrines of warfare and violence, all in the name of Allah. Meanwhile, Catholic leaders in France and elsewhere in Europe continue to push for mass Muslim migration, with Pope Francis leading the way, shaming opponents of this migration as un-Christian. They’re positively suicidal.
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“Catholic churches in France vandalized, set on fire & smeared with excrement (PHOTOS, VIDEO),” RT, March 22, 2019:
Catholic churches in France are being targeted with arson attacks, vandalism, desecration of holy statues, and the destruction of the Eucharist. The attacks have been happening since the start of the year.
The Church of St. Sulpice in Paris, where the Da Vinci Code movie was filmed, was set on fire just after midday mass on Sunday, Le Parisien reports. Firefighters and police said the blaze was an arson attack.
In February, a 19th century statue of the Virgin Mary was smashed at the St. Nicholas Catholic Church in Houilles. The statue was “completely pulverized,” Father Francois-Laurent Heart said“It is irreparable.” The church reported three incidents in 10 days, with a cross also thrown on the floor by vandals.
At Saint-Alain Cathedral in Lavaur, statues and crosses were smashed and an altar cloth was burned in February. A statue of Christ on a cross was also interfered with, as vandals twisted one of the arms to make it appear that Jesus was dabbing, La Depeche reports. Two teenagers were later arrested over the damage.
Meanwhile, the Notre-Dame des Enfants church in Nimes was looted and vandals used human excrement to draw a cross on the wall in February. Consecrated hosts of unleavened bread, which Catholics believe is the body of Jesus Christ, were found scattered outside with rubbish.
Also in February, eucharistic hosts were stolen and scattered around Notre-Dame church in Dijon, with Father Emmanuel Pic denouncing the attack as on the “heart of the Catholic faith.”…


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