Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts
Omar refuses to condemn stoning of gays under Sharia, jihad attacks against Israel by Hamas
Surprised? Don’t be: “Omar has been condemned multiple times by her Democratic colleagues for pushing anti-Semitic conspiracy theories used by Nazi Germany and using anti-Semitic tropes. Omar has compared Israel to the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism in media interviews where she also suggested that Israel should not be allowed to exist as a Jewish state. Omar has suggested that her Jewish colleagues devised a plan to silence her by accusing her of being anti-Semitic and suggesting that Omar was expecting one of her Jewish colleagues to have dual loyalties to Israel. Omar also claimed that pro-Israel groups were paying off U.S. politicians to have dual loyalties to Israel.”
“The Daily Wire again contacted Omar’s office on Friday via phone and email to give them another chance to respond and notified them that a non-response would be considered a ‘refusal to condemn’ these acts. Omar’s office again did not respond to the inquiries.”
I find such journalistic practices distasteful, as I’ve been the target of numerous attempts by far-Left “journalist” propagandists to push me into affirming things I didn’t believe. However, in such cases I always answered and clarified my position rather than allow the “journalist” to spin the story his or her way without any input from me, although of course my input was not always used in the resulting story. In Omar’s case, however, she obviously realizes that she is widely regarded as anti-Semitic, and if she isn’t, should have responded to the Daily Wire and made that clear. Her non-response is in keeping with the Leftist and Islamic supremacist practice of never according opponents even basic human respect and courtesy, a Leninist/Alinskyite practice that has echoes in Muhammad’s behavior toward Infidels, and is intended to dehumanize and marginalize them, giving those on the fence the impression that they are outside the bounds of all respectable discourse. In this case, however, Omar is only solidifying the negative impression that even many Democrats have of her.
“Omar Refuses To Condemn Gays Being Stoned To Death Under Sharia Law, Violence Against Israel From Hamas,” by Ryan Saavedra, Daily Wire, March 29, 2019:
“This is abhorrent and inhumane,” Omar tweeted of the conditions in which a group of detained migrants was being kept. “It’s without a doubt a reflection of what white nationalism is doing to our country. As a country, we have to acknowledge that this is how people are being treated here and decide that we are better and we must do better.”Following Omar’s remarks, The Daily Wire reached out to her office via phone and email to get her thoughts on two recent news items.The first story comes from Brunei, where Sultan of Brunei Hassanal Bolkiah has said that new Sharia laws that are going into effect are a form of “special guidance” from God, according to Sky News.The nation is going to introduce death by stoning as a punishment for gay sex and “amputation for those guilty of theft under sharia law, with both penalties to also apply to children once implemented.”The second story comes out of the Middle East, where the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas recently fired 20 rockets into Israel and destroyed the homes of innocent civilians.The Daily Wire asked Omar if she could provide comment on either story and if she found either of these acts to be “abhorrent and inhumane.”The Daily Wire also asked Omar if she would say that these acts are due to radical Islam.Omar and her office refused to respond to multiple requests for comment.The Daily Wire again contacted Omar’s office on Friday via phone and email to give them another chance to respond and notified them that a non-response would be considered a “refusal to condemn” these acts. Omar’s office again did not respond to the inquiries….Omar has been condemned multiple times by her Democratic colleagues for pushing anti-Semitic conspiracy theories used by Nazi Germany and using anti-Semitic tropes. Omar has compared Israel to the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism in media interviews where she also suggested that Israel should not be allowed to exist as a Jewish state. Omar has suggested that her Jewish colleagues devised a plan to silence her by accusing her of being anti-Semitic and suggesting that Omar was expecting one of her Jewish colleagues to have dual loyalties to Israel. Omar also claimed that pro-Israel groups were paying off U.S. politicians to have dual loyalties to Israel.