Sunday, March 31, 2019

The Penalty will be Very, Very Great

The Penalty will be Very, Very Great

Published on Mar 28, 2019
Did you hear what the President said last night on Hannity? Did you catch the significance of his words of warning for the likes of HRC, BC, BHO, JC and JB and Liddle Adam? We'll go over the latest posts from our 17th letter friend and the latest news.

Thanks for watching and praying!

NEW Q BOOK: “Q Anon, An Invitations to the Great Awakening” written by 12 Q patriots:

“The media’s favorite “hoax” is the Q Anon movement. Is it a joke? Is it dangerous? Who’s involved and how did it begin? A new book published by Monica Rix Paxon of Relentlessly Creative Books called “Q Anon, An Invitation to The Great Awakening,” explains it all—from the very first Q post right up until present day. Paxon has pulled together 12 Q decoders, bloggers, and video creators to give their unique perspectives on the movement. These top experts on Q will help you understand the plan, the players, and the irrefutable proof that Q and President Donald J. Trump are in reality draining the swamp, exposing the evildoers, and bringing them to justice.”

IMPORTANT VIDEO - History of Planned Parenthood, targeting minorities, link to satanism:

short Q video

Q posts:

Q explanation:

My interview with John Age March 14, 2019

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