Sunday, March 31, 2019

VIDEOS and PHOTOS: Leftist Jackboots Rage Against Trump and America in NYC

The Freedom Socialists (Marxist) and a March Against Racism and Fascism at noon in Foley Plaza, Saturday March 16, 2019.
There were many speakers. I recorded portions of a few.
The NYPD didn’t separate the patriots from the Marxists, still the getting too close to the speakers’ stage might not be tolerated by the soc.commie/prog/fasciti. Keep moving is often the best advice.
The NYPD didn’t separate the Marxists from the patriots. It’s a new policy under Wilhelm de Blasio. He wants violence so he can blame Trump.
Most of the time I hung further back where the outreach took place – they must bring more fools into the “anti-Fascist” fold.
Ah, yes. The commies promote a police review board. Can’t wait. And familiar Marxist reading material was for sale … as usual.
Flickr Slide Show
The PATRIOTS boldly flew flags and held signs in support of President Trump.
Patriots supporting our country and our President always annoy the orange armband anti-fascist “police.”
Our side managed to record interviews with the commies. Usually we’re chased away. (Barely Informed With Elad interviewing Jennie Heinz)

Though one tall miscreant briefly blocked Elad from his camera. [You can see the same guy in action at the top of Elad’s interview tape at 00:18 (very funny) –]
Full video of all speakers at strugglevideomedia – a project of The Middle East Crisis Committee, founded in 1982 in CT [] and []
VIDEO – Walter “Hawk” Newsome – Chairman BLM NY. From the Bronx. Grew up in a devout Christian household but spewed the usual hate-speech. []
TRANSCRIPT: “Shout out to everybody that’s here (names groups) I’m talkin’ about people who really show up for Black People – all the time. People who always show up for black people All the Time. Right? You wanta learn a quick lesson in racism – take a look around you – take a look around you. If this was a march for immigrants right or women’s rights, there’d people people all the way back there. When you talk about 400 years of oppression of the black woman and the black man, ain’t nobody got time for that. (crowd -they don’t wanta come) They got time for St Patrick’s day. They got time for this, they got time for that.Let me tell y’all a little joke, all right. I always bug out when I see black people for st patrick’s day, all right. Cause you got the West Indian parade in Bklyn. Right. You got the African American Day Parade in Harlem. and I don’t see Irish people showing up with Red black and green on (Blk African MARXIST COLORS) So I’m like (scoffs) who the fuck are you coonin’ for? Like cut that shit out. Stop supporting people who don’t support you. (big pause) I just had an argument with that right-wing dude that’s runnin’ around trying to …
(my video begins here) … interview people. Right?. I love to fight with them. I’m gonna tell you true, I love to confront them. You know why? Because I went from a GED to a law degree. Right? So, I learned how to take this mind and what I ‘cummulated in the Bronx and apply it to the law and to the facts and that’s the way I challenge them. And if you put the facts of, against white supremacy they lose every time (CHEERS) (shouting) The numbers and the irrefutable lesson, the irrefutable evidence is on our side every time! (cheers) We ran around saying that police in America are racist for years! Donald Trump passes the First Step Act. Do you know the first endorser, Fraternal order of Police (boo) Pay attention. The PEOPLE who have been saying we were lying all along endorsed a bill that said racism exists in policing. Are you fucking kidding me? The facts, y’all, it’s the facts that are on our side. The facts that brown and black blood is spilled all the time and no one cares. (quieter) I talk when I talk because it’s the truth. You have candidates who run on Black Lives Matter platforms, they get elected and they don’t say Black Lives matter no more. If you think I’m lying, check their time-lines. I like Bernie. I like Bernie, right? But, you got four other candidates talking about reparations. Reparations in a real way, four other candidates. And Bernie Sanders say he’s not for it. Health care’s a problem, right a check. Any other problem, right a check. Black people …. need some sort of redress. Naw we ain’t got no money for dat. That’s bull-shit. So let’s ask this Jewish man if he was against reparations for Jewish people. (no response) I like it when people go quiet, that’s how I’d know when I’m makin’ fuckin’ sense. Cause that’s the reality that’s sinkin’ in. So, what I’m tellin’ y’all is, right now, we have to confront the racists and these fascists at every turn. They show up at our rallies. We show up ta deirs. You understand me? I don’t give a fuck. I go to Fox News. I go to a fuckin’ KKK rally. I go anywhere to stand on this truth. Fearless! (cheers) Because I’ll fight with facts and I’ll fight with my hands. And if any a y’all seen the footage in Charlottesville, you saw us on the front lines. You saw these coloreds on the front lines. We’re not here to play. We’re not here to play. (pause – light cheers) People tell me about love. Yeah, I got love. For y’all. I got love for my community. And right now, I tell y’all the truth, it’s time to go in to these communities and build. You understand? Cause we gotta reprogram the way black folks think. You end systemic racism tomorrow, we still got some serious problem. Another anecdote for y’all. You go to any school, anywhere in this country and … it’s a white neighborhood … and you show me where the staff at that school and the principal are mostly black or brown. You don’t see that shit. And I love y’all teachers out here, but the bottom line is you go to any school in the Bronx, Harlem and the majority of the faculty and the staff is WHITE. Nah! I reject that shit. You … these NGOs that are put there to serve our people and they’re ran by White People. You might be doin’ good work, but if you really care you would put an impactin’ brown or black woman in that director’s position. This is all facts. We need to run our community. O.K.? I got love for my Jewish brothers and sisters, but ‘cha go out in Brooklyn and their communities, you ain’t gonna find black landlords. You ain’t gonna find black stores. But, ‘chu go in OUR communities and everybody owns everything except for US. This is the shit I’m tryin’ ta change. Now I’ll fight legislature, but I’m gonna build up black people. If you love me, (fuck) with me. If you love the people, come out and join me. But I stand here and I say thank each and every one of you for giving up your Saturday to stand against racism and fascism and all those fuckers who were put here to oppress us. And these people who act like their words don’t have any ramifications and repercussions. We stand against all that. And from the BOTTOM of my heart I say Black Power. (cheers) Black Power! When I say Black Lives y’all say “matter”. Black Lives. (crowd) “matter”. Black Lives (crowd) “matter”. When I say Black Lives y’all say “matter”. Black Lives (crowd) “matter”. Black Lives (crowd) “matter”. And FUCK Donald Trump. (cheers)
What is the First Step Act – [ bipartisan criminal justice reform bill aimed at reducing recidivism and refining sentencing laws and harsh penalties. The First Step Act will help prepare inmates to successfully rejoin society and enact common sense sentencing reforms to make our justice system fairer for all Americans,” said a White House statement.
VIDEO: Emily Woo Yamasaki– Freedom Socialist Party –UAW 2320 – civilian review board. She is a queer socialist feminist organizer. Her experience as a film and stage actress illuminates how capitalism exploits people of color and women through race and sex stereotyping. []
She was the opening speaker “against racism and fascism”
TRANSCRIPT: I’m a proud career socialist feminist and unionist of color. And what is a socialist and communist but a defender of the working class against the fascists. We’re so glad to see unionists here. And feminists and freedom fighters of all colors. [reads the mourns list – killings in NZ, N.C. Christians, Jews, Muslims] all acts by self-proclaimed white supremacists. And unfortunately the lists of such horrors does not end there. But what I want to focus on today is the root of fascism (points at something – case in point) ….. Us and the world … racism is a pillar of fascism. African Americans are no strangers to fascism and right wing terror. The Klan is an ugly part of American history. The first police force in the country was formed to catch run away slaves and prevent slave revolts. … fighting men in white hoods as well as men in blue. It’s also an important part of our history. It’s not always easy to work across the color lines but now more than ever we need to be doing that … people of color need to stand shoulder to shoulder with our white comrades
(my video) … the common enemy, the corporate profiteers of capitalism. And this takes us to the very root of fascism. without capitalism there would be no fascism … and we can blame the democrats as well as the republicans for propping up capitalism … and we can blame Trump and his administration for emboldening the shock troops of the ruling 1%, like the Proud Boys. Just as in Nazi Germany, fascism needs scape goats …. the ultimate goal of fascism is actually to smash the power of unions and the working class. But can we defeat the right wing? Yes We Can. […] We exercise OUR First Amendment rights.[…]
We’re not living under fascism YET. The fascists are in process of building their own united front. And they’re well funded. And when it comes to who they target, they don’t leave anyone out. So the very survival of their targets, that’s all of us here, depends on our building a broad democratic front to stop the storm troopers in their tracks. Together we can defeat the fascist threat. We are many, you are few! We are many, you are few! Beat back the fascist attack. Beat back the fascist attack.”
VIDEO: Outlive Them NYC. Speaker’s name, Serona of CUNY
TRANSCRIPT: “After the Pittsburgh pogrom – at Union Square – words of “thought and prayers” and “voting”. We were so angry and full of rage. We got together to decide what we could do to ELIMINATE the Far Right, to organize in NYC. Fascism is not to be debated, it is to be defeated, continuing our work organizing against the far-right in NYC through rapid response networks, popular education, and community outreach. Fascism is a threat to our survival … to every one standing here. Whether it’s racist, sexist killer-cops, on the streets of NYC. Concentration camps at the border or radicalized far right vigilanti violence against our communities, we have literally no choice but to win. This fascism violence, the export of American fascism globally and white supremacy to other nations in the world is not an aberration of a normally peaceful society.”
(my video) This is hegemonic white, Christian capitalism working exactly as intended … Take back our power …
” … they want us to feel powerless. Further alienated from each other. They want us to be afraid to go to shul … trying to take back its power … We must not cede an inch of this city to the far right. Whether in Brooklyn or Riverdale or Woodside, not a inch of the streets. We need to kick them out of our work places, to call them out. And we’re gonna take care of them if they’re in high schools or wherever. A variety of tactics [….] In the Mishna, whoever takes a human life is considered to have destroyed a world. And whoever saves a human life is considered as if he saved a world. And in the KORAN, it says, whoever kills a soul, it is as if he has slayed mankind entirely and whoever saves a soul it is as though he has saved mankind entirely. I’m here to represent Jewish solidarity with Muslims [….] NY is built on and run on the backs of those who are largely non-white. We must stand up and we must win. We’re going to win. I can feel it. We are going to win. We’re going to eliminate fascism from the streets of NYC and globally restructure the entire world.”
Jay Walker: LGBTQ – Gays against Guns (tall man on the right) 
TRANSCRIPT: “I’m here as a proud black man and proud gay man who stands up against the horror we have been living through the last few years, every single day….. this growing fascism, this growing authoritarianism, this unleashing of hatred and bigotry and anti-Semitism and Islamophobia that has swept across our country. Hate crimes have grown at an astronomical proportion over the last couple of years and there is no mystery as to why it has happened. We have a President who campaigned on hatred (of) disabled… misogyny… and we wonder why people are getting shot all over this country, non- stop. … Why synagogues are being defaced with swastikas … and why hijabs are being ripped off. There is no mystery. “
(my video begins here) But for St Patrick’s day parade I think we would have a lot more people here. But, we’re here and we’re growing. And we will continue to grow. And we continue to stand tall. And we will continue to not be afraid of a few maggots in a few red hats waving a few stupid flags around. Because we know that even though this country has never lived up to the ideal on which it was founded. Never has. We know if we hold these ideas in our hearts and our minds and our souls. And we stand tall. Keep speaking truth to the power that one day – may not be for a hundred years from now – we will actually have the America that actually stands for America.
“There’s a lot of work that needs to be done – there’s a hell of a lot of work that needs to be done over the next two years, so we can insure that we get this monster out of office as soon as possible. “
In conclusion: This Marxist/Fascist rally was hosted by NYC Democratic Socialists of America and Outlive Them NYC
They asked: “What is fascism — and how can we collectively practice anti-fascism in everyday life?
Far Right activity is growing in our city: Hate crimes have risen 120% compared to this time last year. White nationalists are actively recruiting in all five boroughs.
Racist, Islamophobic, and anti-Semitic violence presents a clear and present danger to all of our communities. Yet it continues to be met with general impunity and indifference. It is more urgent than ever that we stand united and in solidarity with one another in the face of racist terror.
Fascism cannot be debated – only addressed directly and defeated. Join us and learn the skills we all need to defeat the far-right, neo-Nazis, white nationalists and fascists of our day.”
Nauseating …..
[Where indicated pics and videos property of Pamela Hall]


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