Sunday, March 31, 2019

Woman axed to death in Islamic “honor killing” after marrying of her own free will

Woman axed to death in Islamic “honor killing” after marrying of her own free will

Linda Sharia Sarsour, leader of the Women’s March, supports sharia and is herself in an arranged marriage. That’s what the left wants for the girls of America. She and her fellow Islamic supremacists are succeeding. Take, for example, Outfront Media in Dallas. They refuse to allow us to run these ads:
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Honor killing and violence is in accordance with Islamic mores and tradition. A recent survey showed that 91 percent of honor killings worldwide are committed by Muslims, and 84 percent of honor killings in the United States were done by Muslims. This is no surprise. A manual of Islamic law approved by Al-Azhar, the most respected authority in Sunni Islam, stipulates that “retaliation is obligatory…against anyone who kills a human being purely intentionally and without right.” However, “not subject to retaliation” is “a father or mother (or their fathers or mothers) for killing their offspring, or offspring’s offspring.” In other words, Islamic law sets no penalty for a parent who kills his child. Also, the legal codes of Jordan, Syria, and other Muslim countries have substantially reduced penalties for honor murders as compared to other murders, and Islamic clerics have resisted efforts to stiffen penalties for honor killings. (Source)


By Tribune, March 25, 2019:
A woman was killed over ‘honour’ in the provincial capital after marrying of her own free will on Sunday. He sister was also injured in the incident. Reportedly, 30-year-old Uzma had married of her own free will a days ago.
However, her brothers identified as Azhar and Qasim were angered by her decision. On the day of the incident, the victim went to her parent’s home to meet them. However, her brothers attacked her with an axe, injuring her severely. She was unable to survive the attack. The victim’s sister Tehmina also sustained injuries while trying to shield her. Police have arrested the culprits and are currently investigating the incident.
Separately, the body of a 17-year-old boy, who had gone missing a few days ago in Kahna, was found in a field on Sunday. The victims, identified as Sanwal, had gone to the store to buy groceries when he went missing.
The family filed a police report after they were unable to locate him. Police stated that the cause of death and motive will be ascertained after an autopsy report and further investigations.


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