Sunday, March 31, 2019

Watch Hamas build bombs in preparation for the next “March of Return” riot

Watch Hamas build bombs for the next round of the “March of Return” riots. Since the “March of Return” riots against Israel began close to a year ago, Hamas has launched over 1200 rockets and mortars, 600 Molotov cocktails, 152 explosives, and have burnt 8649 acres of land. No country would or should have to endure such terror.
This is who Bernie Sanders refers to as peaceful protesters. Bernie Sanders will viciously attack Israel when it is defending itself against this barbarity, since his anti-Semitic voting base strongly supports the Palestinian jihad against the Israelis.
However, Bernie Sanders is not the only Democrat who holds such vehemently anti-Israel views. As President Trump has correctly stated, the Democrat Party has become an anti-Israel party, and an anti-Jewish party. When the Democrat Party begins to hold its presidential primary debates, Americans will hear the most anti-Israel rhetoric ever heard by a major American political party. #JEXODUS.

“Peaceful Protestors”: Watch Hamas attach explosives to balloons. 
Watch what the anti-Semite Bernie Sanders considers to be a peaceful protest. 


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