Sunday, March 31, 2019

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The 03/31/2019

Jihad Watch Daily Digest:
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Omar refuses to condemn stoning of gays under Sharia, jihad attacks against Israel by Hamas
By Robert Spencer on Mar 30, 2019 05:00 pm

Omar refuses to condemn stoning of gays under Sharia, jihad attacks against Israel by Hamas
Surprised? Don’t be: “Omar has been condemned multiple times by her Democratic colleagues for pushing anti-Semitic conspiracy theories used by Nazi Germany and using anti-Semitic tropes. Omar has compared Israel to the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism in media interviews where she also suggested that Israel should not be allowed to exist as a […]

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Morocco: Man rushes King’s car as Pope looks on
By Robert Spencer on Mar 30, 2019 03:17 pm

Morocco: Man rushes King’s car as Pope looks on
Details are scant at this point and will probably remain so, but this was likely to have been a small reminder to the Pope that the Islam he so ardently defends is not exactly the religion of peace he pretends it to be. But will he get the message? Unlikely. “Pope Francis security scare in […]

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Pakistan: Islamic scholar rapes his 15-year-old sister at mosque, swears her to silence on the Qur’an
By Robert Spencer on Mar 30, 2019 03:00 pm

Pakistan: Islamic scholar rapes his 15-year-old sister at mosque, swears her to silence on the Qur’an
The book on which she swore silence says: “Men have authority over women because Allah has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because Allah has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish […]

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Chicago: New Muslim group with “partners from diverse faiths” dominated by pro-jihad, anti-Israel voices
By Robert Spencer on Mar 30, 2019 02:00 pm

Chicago: New Muslim group with “partners from diverse faiths” dominated by pro-jihad, anti-Israel voices
It is certain that none of the IL Muslim Civic Coalition’s “partners from diverse faiths, races, and communities” will take any notice whatsoever of any of this, and will continue their partnerships, knowing that any other course of action would open them up to charges of “Islamophobia.” “New Islamist Group in Chicago Dominated by Radical […]

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Germany: 10 Muslims, including at least one migrant, arrested for jihad massacre plotting after raids in six cities
By Robert Spencer on Mar 30, 2019 01:00 pm

Germany: 10 Muslims, including at least one migrant, arrested for jihad massacre plotting after raids in six cities
This comes just over a week after German police arrested ten other Muslims for another jihad plot. But remember: the real threats are “white supremacism” and “Islamophobia.” “Germany: Police arrest 10 terror suspects over Düsseldorf plot,” DW, March 30, 2019 (thanks to David): Police have detained 10 terror suspects who were allegedly planning an attack […]

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Morocco: Pope Francis to visit imam training institute to boost moderate Islam
By Robert Spencer on Mar 30, 2019 12:00 pm

Morocco: Pope Francis to visit imam training institute to boost moderate Islam
When is the Pope going to boost Christianity? I guess he feels no need to do so, as he is already a moderate Christian. And if this school to train moderate imams is so successful, why do so many Islamic State jihadis come from Morocco? The Associated Press reported on February 10 that despite the […]

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NYC Councilor Kalman Yeger faces sanction after tweeting “Palestine does not exist”
By Christine Douglass-Williams on Mar 30, 2019 11:00 am

NYC Councilor Kalman Yeger faces sanction after tweeting “Palestine does not exist”
NYC Councilman Kalman Yeger could face sanctions and be “booted from the immigration committee after tweeting that ‘Palestine does not exist’ — but he refused to heed calls to apologize for the comment.” Of course Mayor Bill de Blasio is pushing for Yeger to apologize or be punished. Yeger, like many others, has crossed the […]

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Hugh Fitzgerald: Washington Recognizes the Golan as Part of Israel (Part One)
By Hugh Fitzgerald on Mar 30, 2019 10:00 am

Hugh Fitzgerald: Washington Recognizes the Golan as Part of Israel (Part One)
In June 1967, Israel was forced to fight a three-front war of self-defense against Egypt, Syria, and Jordan. It managed to defeat all three of its enemies within six days. In its victory, it took the Sinai from Egypt, the West Bank from Jordan, and the Golan Heights from Syria. It is the Golan that […]

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Democrat Senator Tim Kaine introduces bill to combat “undeniable threat” of white supremacy, ignores jihad
By Christine Douglass-Williams on Mar 30, 2019 09:00 am

Democrat Senator Tim Kaine introduces bill to combat “undeniable threat” of white supremacy, ignores jihad
Another Democrat trying to diminish the glaring Islamic anti-semitism in his own party and also detract from the seriousness and dangers of the highly threatening and vast global jihad. Tim Kaine asserts that “the rise of white supremacy is an undeniable threat to the safety of our communities,” and “as the threat of violent white […]

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Canada’s Foreign Minister tells UN “white supremacism and Islamophobia among the ‘gravest threats’ facing the world”
By Christine Douglass-Williams on Mar 30, 2019 08:00 am

Canada’s Foreign Minister tells UN “white supremacism and Islamophobia among the ‘gravest threats’ facing the world”
Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland has told the United Nations that “White supremacism and Islamophobia are among “the gravest threats” facing the world.” Canada is headed in a troubling direction. The Canadian government also asserted this week that Canada rejects Israel’s need to defend itself from jihad attack, and does not recognize Israel’s control […]

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