Saturday, November 30, 2019

A 1950s photo of an 18-week preborn baby isn't political. It's proof of humanity.
The photo was first published on the cover of the April 1965 issue of Life magazine. Now, the photo, along with the rest of the series, is reaching a new generation in an exhibit at the Paris Photo Art Fair, and is adding fuel to the abortion debate. Read more

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Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren solidified her thoughts on abortion during the Democratic Debate this week when she was asked if there’s room in the Democratic party for pro-life Democrats like Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards. Read more

Four-month-old RJ Ahlers is battling several rare disorders, and his family turned to the community for help in getting RJ the specialized care he requires. But one community member responded with a horrific sign that called for RJ’s death. Read more

A recent report from the Wall Street Journal has revealed that, despite claims to the contrary, Google executives and engineers actively alter the search engine’s results in favor of big business and executives’ opinions. One of the common search topics the search engine seems to have modified the results for is the term abortion. Read more

Ohio Rep. Candice Keller has introduced a bill that would ban almost all abortions in the state. HB 413 was introduced last year as well, but did not have enough support to move forward. The bill is currently before the House Criminal Justice Committee and seems to have more support. Read more

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf has vetoed a new state bill banning abortion because of a prenatal Down syndrome diagnosis. Wolf shot down the newly-minted bill just one day after it was passed by the Senate, claiming it was “unnecessary legislation,” and an attack on abortion. Read more

Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region — more recently known as Reproductive Health Services Planned Parenthood — is facing possible closure, something many believe can’t come soon enough as women continue to be harmed there. Read more

The Knights of Columbus in Belleville, Ontario, recently had a tombstone placed in St. James Roman Catholic Cemetery in memory of babies who have been killed by abortion. Read more

In a webcast sponsored by the pro-life group And Then There Were None, former abortion worker Noemi spoke about a late-term abortion that endangered a woman’s life. Read more

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