Saturday, November 30, 2019

Nadler's Impeachment Hearings Will Include 'Russian Collusion'

Nadler's Impeachment Hearings Will Include 'Russian Collusion'

Now that Rep. Adam Schiff's impeachment hearings are over and turned out to be a total flop, House Judiciary Committee chairman Rep. Jerry Nadler is having hearings of his own. The far-left congressman recently announced that he is giving President Trump until next Friday to decide if he or his lawyers plan on participating in the hearings.
Nadler also said in a letter that the House Intelligence Committee plans to submit their report, recommending impeachment against the President, stating that there was “a months-long effort in which President Trump again sought foreign interference in our elections for his personal and political benefit at the expense of our national interest”; and that the president conducted “an unprecedented campaign of obstruction in an effort to prevent the Committees from obtaining documentary evidence and testimony.”

Check out what Breitbart reported:
The word “again” suggests that the House Intelligence Committee will not limit its report to allegations that Trump invited Ukraine to interfere in the 2020 election, but will also state that Trump sought Russian interference in the 2016 election — even though Special Counsel Robert Mueller found there to be no evidence of such collusion.
Nadler added that Trump is being investigated for obstruction of justice, relating to actions described by Mueller in the second volume of his report, though Mueller did not recommend prosecution and Attorney General William Barr rejected obstruction charges against Trump on the merits.
The White House cooperated fully with Mueller and never exerted executive privilege over any witnesses or documents. It has resisted participating in the House “impeachment inquiry,” which it regards as illegitimate.
Nadler has invited the president and his counsel to call and question witnesses, in accordance with the House resolution authorizing the impeachment inquiry last month — though the president was not allowed to do so in the Intelligence Committee inquiry. However, Nadler and the Democratic majority on the committee can overrule requests for witnesses.
In addition, the House Rules Committee warned last month that Nadler would be allowed to limit the president’s ability to call witnesses if he does not provide witnesses and documents the committee wants.
Republicans like Rep. Mark Meadows immediately made sure to hammer the Democrats for their sham impeachment inquiry.
"What this letter tacitly admits is that House Democrats basically ran an impeachment process for 2 months before giving the President any real rights,” Meadows tweeted, adding: “This process is neither fair nor serious.”
Last Tuesday, Nadler announced that he would be holding their own impeachment hearings next week and at the time invited President Trump to testify.
Nadler's hearings are called the “the constitutional grounds for presidential impeachment,” and the structure will be different than Rep. Adam Schiff's hearings considering they will include legal experts who will give their opinions on whether or not the president committed an impeachable offense.
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