Saturday, November 30, 2019

Today's Must-See Videos
Woman Singing ‘I Need Thee Every Hour’ Is Simply Beautiful
Lindsay Kirkland performs a soulful rendition of the classic hymn ‘I Need Thee Every Hour.’ This uplifting song always reminds us God is on our side to give us strength and courage to overcome any challenges in our lives. I need Thee every hour, Most gracious Lord; No tender voice like Thine, Can peace afford. […] More
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Doctors Told Family Of 2-Year-Old Boy He Wouldn’t Have Another Birthday, Then An Entire Town Celebrated His 3rd
A little boy with a rare disease who was told he wouldn’t live beyond his second birthday was just honored with a parade on his third birthday. Nash has a rare neuromuscular disease and was recently honored when more than 100 trucks, buses, cars and first responder vehicles arrived at the parade on his third […] More
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Grandma Sends Thanksgiving Text To Wrong Person – But Years Later, They Are Still Good Friends
An accidental Thanksgiving day text message has led to a beautiful heartfelt friendship between a grandma and a teen. Wanda Dench sent Jamal Hinton a text message by mistake around this time in 2016, thinking he was her favorite grandson and inviting him over for Thanksgiving dinner. But the text resulted in a yearly tradition […] More
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“God’s Given Me Health And I’m Giving It Back”: Florida Veteran Help Save Thousands Of Lives Through Blood Donations
A 74-year-old marine veteran has helped save the lives of more than 2,000 people through the gift of blood donation. Florida native, Dave Griffin, has given away over 66 human bodies’ worth of blood, he says, “It’s good to be a help to the community,” Griffin said. “I know platelets goes for chemotherapy patients, because […] More
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A Capella ‘Carol of the Bells’ Will Drop Your Jaw
A choir of more than 300 people performs a stunning a cappella rendition of ‘Carol of the Bells’, featuring Peter Hollens. More
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