Leftists shrieked about Trump's ICE 'trap' for illegals, until …
They later realized it was Obama's creation

Leftists have been shrieking about an "ICE university" program where 90 foreign students recently were arrested.
The "facility" in Detroit was created by the Department of Homeland Security to attract illegal aliens who are in the United States.
According to the Detroit Free Press, "A total of about 250 students have now been arrested since January on immigration violations by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement as part of a sting operation by federal agents who enticed foreign-born students, mostly from India, to attend the school that marketed itself as offering graduate programs in technology and computer studies, according to ICE officials."
"This is cruel and appalling," claimed Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who for years claimed to be Native American. "These students simply dreamed of getting the high-quality higher education American can offer. ICE deceived and entrapped them, just to deport them."
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Looked like a solid development on which to hang some more criticism of President Trump and his policies.
However, as BizPacReview reported, the "fake ICE university program was actually started under Barack Obama in 2015."
This is an Obama-era entrapment program. It started in 2015. ICE also did the same thing in New Jersey under Obama, opening a fake college in 2013 and arresting immigrant students in 2016.
Totally outrageous, agreed.
See Ben Spielberg's other Tweets
The report continued, "Democratic activist Ben Spielberg (a blogger at the left-wing Huffington Post) remarked: 'This is an Obama-era entrapment program. It started in 2015. ICE also did the same thing in New Jersey under Obama, opening a fake college in 2013 and arresting immigrant students in 2016.'"
Warren, along with leftists Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Alyssa Milano had been blasting the plan – and blaming Trump.
Rolling Stone had joined in, "Leave it to the Trump administration to use a fake university – this time, to trick immigrants into forking over cash for fake classes and invalidating their legal visas in the process. They ended up arrested by ICE. How is this anything but entrapment."
Milano's restrainted reaction was "OH MY GOD."
Cortez? "Abolish ICE."
ICE officials said most of the students were granted "voluntary departure" and actually left the U.S.