Top Ukraine prosecutor says Bill Barr never asked for Burisma, Biden investigation
November 29, 2019 by Patriot News Alerts
A huge announcement just came out of Ukraine that destroys the Democrat narrative about Attorney General Bill Barr’s involvement with the ongoing Ukraine fiasco.
According to Ukraine’s top prosecutor, Barr never asked for a joint investigation into the Bidens or Burisma.
Barr recusal
Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) had previously demanded that Barr recuse himself from anything involving impeachment, citing concerns that Trump “dragged the Attorney General into this mess,” according to Politico.
But the recent announcement from top Ukrainian prosecutor Ruslan Ryaboshapka that Barr did notask for a joint investigation may throw a monkey wrench in Democrat plans to silence AG Barr.
This announcement corroborates the Justice Department’s own statements about Barr’s involvement.
Barr has been busy enough with the ongoing Durham investigation into the origins of the Russia collusion investigation. Adding Ukraine corruption issues is not Barr’s priority at this moment in time.
What is clear from this revelation is that Democrat demands for Barr to recuse himself from all matters impeachment-related are unfounded. Furthermore, this shows that Democrat fear-mongering about the abuse of power by the president is based on hearsay.
Impeachment falls apart
Democrats have been crowing about the alleged abuse of power by President Trump since August. However, the impeachment hearings failed to show any evidence of Trump making demands on Ukraine.
Now the so-called weaponization of the Justice Department against Democrat candidate Joe Biden is also nothing more than a story based on hearsay and presumption.
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If we have learned anything from the last few months of impeachment drama, it’s that Hunter Biden is involved in a lot of shady business. We also have learned that there are substantial reasons to question Joe Biden’s conduct as Vice President of the United States.
As the impeachment hearings have established, President Trump did not strong-arm Ukraine into investigating Hunter Biden — the investigation into the corruption at Burisma was already underway, and the Bidens happened to be caught in the net.