Not so long ago, the claim against conservatives was that we were waging a war on women. Regardless of whether or not that charge was valid, (let’s not go there right now), it’s been pushed to the back burner. Today’s terrible reality involves the left’s unrelenting war on children… a vicious battle for their souls that is rapidly escalating out of control.
The attacks are coming from many directions with military precision… resembling World War II’s D-Day invasion. This is not by accident. Here’s the evidence:
In Our Public Schools…
Most of our public schools are failing to produce graduates who have adequate reading and math skills, the ability to think critically, or even understand the value of free speech. Instead, they seem to be quite successful at indoctrinating children with lies about America’s founding fathers, climate change, gender, and white supremacy, as well as the notion that both abortion and the LGBTQ agendas are normal and anyone who disagrees with them is hateful.
I attended a Catholic elementary and junior high school. We began and ended the day with prayer. The first class each morning was Catechism (a printed summary of the important principles of Christianity in the form of questions and answers.) Since then, the U. S. Supreme Court has issued two bans on prayer in public schools. The first ban came in 1962 and the second in 1963. Both were the result of a court case brought by atheist Madalyn Murray O'Hair. The ban not only outlawed prayer in public schools, but it also banned Bible reading in public schools.
In the 17th century, the school books in use in the American Colonies were Bibles brought over from England. By 1690, The New England Primer was published. Although its contents varied over time, the primer was standard fare for beginning readers. Many of its selections were drawn from the King James Bible.
Fast forward to 2019… instead of focusing on reading, writing and arithmetic, leftist teachers teach their students that certain unnatural (and in some places illegal) sexual practices are as right as rain as early as the third grade. According to the Family Policy Alliance, “Comprehensive sexual education in the public school system has become increasingly more graphic and political in recent years. For example, the Austin Independent School District (AISD) in Texas—the same district that recently hosted a drag queen for ‘Pride Week Story Time’ in one of its elementary schools—adopted a radical comprehensive sex education curriculum with elements designed by Canadian abortion providers. The curriculum includes lessons teaching students how to engage in anal sex ‘comfortably’ and how to procure birth control, abortions, and other ‘healthcare’ without their parents’ knowledge.” This is a direct violation of Texas law, but the sad truth is that this is not confined to that one school district… it is spreading like a malignant cancer.
It gets even worse at the college and university level. Free speech rights are almost non-existent for those with conservative viewpoints. Needlessly high tuition fees are aimed at extracting as much money as possible from naive students… luring them into taking out burdensome loans to finance “economically worthless” degrees in gender studies, ancient poetry, ethnic studies, or classical literature… funneling it to leftist causes. UC Berkeley, the home of the free speech movement, now has no tolerance for conservative speech. In November 2019, conservative author Ann Coulter was met with hundreds of protesters as she delivered a speech on campus. Protesters said she had no place at the university… calling her a fascist and saying she should go home.
Videos and photos show large groups of protesters outside the venue where Coulter was speaking, with some signs. The University of Tennessee-Knoxville sponsors an annual “Sex Week” with events including a drag show, an art show and multiple panels on sex, sexuality and gender with sex workers, and a drag queen among the speakers. Add to that a documented after-hours campus culture of drunkenness, sexual immorality, and general godlessness, these things place a heavy burden on a young Christian's shoulders. The irony is that despite the 1963 prohibition against teaching religion in schools… leftist faculties still push religion, substituting atheism (or even Islam) for the Judeo-Christion values this country was built on.
Here’s what Jesus said as quoted in Matthew 18:6…
“But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”
In Our Culture…
Almost anyone who was alive in the 1960’s can finish this sentence: “Let Hertz put you…” If you weren’t around then the answer is… “in the driver’s seat.” The TV ads and billboards ran only a few years, but they are indelibly etched into the brains of those of us who were around back then. Kids played outside and learned to socialize on playgrounds… now times have changed for the worse.
With all the anti-child messages out there in our left-leaning media driven culture… American children are being exposed to numerous sexual messages every day of their lives. In fact, by the time a child reaches their teen years, she or he has likely been exposed to tens of thousands of sexualized messages. Unfortunately, a lot of it is sure to sink in and become part of their worldview.
Doctor Fred Kaeser, puts it this way… “If you think about it the average child in the United States today has countless opportunities for exposure to sexualized messages every day. Television, music, billboards, print media, Internet, cellphones, cable TV, movies, and interaction with peers and adults, offer children numerous possibilities where they can encounter sexual messages of all sorts. In some homes, kids are only a click away from seeing sexual intercourse in all its possible permutations, everything from your run-of-the-mill sexual intercourse to some pretty weird and disturbing sexual acts.”
This is having a troubling effect on their understanding of gender, sexuality, and relationships. As a result, the Center for Disease Control notes that teen suicide rates are increasing over the last five years. Our schools and culture are creating a generation of super-sexualized children who are showing sexual interest or behavior at earlier ages than ever before, even to the point of some molesting other kids. An American Psychological Association task force report found that young girls who are exposed to sexual messages in popular culture are more likely to suffer from low self-esteem, depression, and life threatening eating disorders.
The other example of anti-child cultural rot is Hollywood’s depiction of violence as a solution to everyday problems. The majority of Hollywood movies, TV shows, and some video games often fail to portray grace, understanding or compromise… but glorify the hero’s excessive use of violence as the only reasonable first course of action… free of any and all consequences. Another favorite Hollywood habit is to subtly slam Christ at least once in each movie. Many of these movies are aimed at impressionable teens and young men who are still forming their worldview.
And it’s getting worse…
Where it comes from…
It is coming from those on the left who run the schools and those who control the media in our culture who have rejected the things of God. When parents fail to counter the overwhelming amount of sexual and violent stimuli that confront children, those kids are left to their own devices to manage what they experience. Their young brains are not yet fully developed until they are in their mid-twenties and without adequate guidance when making life-changing decisions, they are doomed to fail.
What you can do about it…
We as Christians are not called to stand on the sidelines… Pray earnestly for those in positions of celebrity, teachers, school officials, Hollywood and TV producers.
Run for or support moral people for election to your local school board. Keep track of goings-on at your child’s school and contact school officials or school board members to let them know if you disapprove. Consider home schooling. Resist sending your child to a liberal college or university.
You can successfully push back. In November 2019, Parents and church leaders in Worcester, Massachusetts, joined with Massachusetts Family Institute (MFI) to defeat a Planned Parenthood-implemented sex-ed curriculum in public schools. The Worcester school board committee ultimately voted down the curriculum because of the outreach of both parents and church leaders who outnumbered supporters of Planned Parenthood.
Here are two great resources:
For younger kids… The Youth Empowered & Strong Education Program (YES!) is an alternative to Planned Parenthoods radical attempts to socially engineer what our school children learn about sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity. The program meets 98% of the state and federal benchmarks required for health and physical education and provides children with age-appropriate introductions to sensitive and intimately personal topics. It also teaches children the characteristics of healthy relationships and encourages self-respect and respect for others—the building blocks for a healthy and successful life. Find them at
For college students or those soon to be of college age… Take a look at the GAP program designed specifically for young men who have just graduated from high school. The GAP Program is essentially a nine-month leadership training program to teach theology, life skills, and job skills. Find out more at:
So, as is often the case, the buck stops with us. We as parents have the power to turn back this tide of educational and cultural rot. If we don’t, the other side will prevail, and our kids’ and grandkids’ souls will become casualties of the war on children.