From Mark Sidney at Illicit Info OPINION Blog Lawrence David| OPINION| New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is proving to be quite the self-aggrandizing whiner who is happy to place the...
While New York Libs release sex offenders during COVID-19 outbreak, Texas governor’s taking a different approach There is no logical reason for the ‘coronavirus jailbreak’...(This insanity has got to stop, and yet by the end of this cycle of the virus how many more sick & disgusting decisions will be made even worst than releasing sex offenders who will re-offend again and again until caught all over again. COVID-19 is bring the worst and the best out of people these days. Pray to God it be always the best.)
NYC Mayor de Blasio threatens to permanently close churches if they defy his coronavirus order OPINION by USAFEATURESMEDIA New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said...(One more reason for Americans to wake up and see the evil and hate Democrats have for all Christians and Jews in this country. yet he has not mentioned once closing Mosques. Who gave him the power to shut them down permanently? Or has he made a deal with the devil as so many of politicians have this coming election year 2020?)
From Mark Sidney at Illicit Info OPINION Blog Mark Sidney| Opinion| Don’t look now but the Hollywood ‘elite’ are bashing the Trump family yet again … I know, shocking, right?...(Yet say one word about his family and all hell breaks lose. Double standards for a double dealer?)
Dean James at Right Wing Tribune President Trump calls the mainstream media “FAKE NEWS” and we have all seen numerous reports from ‘news’ outlets like CNN,...(Yes fake and so Stupid about be caught doing it?)
From Mark Sidney at Illicit Info OPINION Blog Opinion| Mark Sidney| Every time I think about the troubles in my life I stop and realize, hey, it could be worse. Instead...
Barr hinting that prosecutions are coming over ‘Spygate,’ but who’s going to hold the Left-wing media accountable for their enabling lies? Freedom of the press...(How many times and months and well years have we herd this? When it happens some one please wake me up if it ever does?)
Dean James at Right Wing Tribune It is with great sadness to report that Grammy winning country music star Joe Diffie has died at the age...
From Mark Sidney at Illicit Info OPINION Blog Senator Tom Cotton has penned a new Op-Ed for Fox News in which he calls for an end to the United States’...
Pelosi blames Trump for ‘delaying’ virus aid after she dismissed the House for weeks, preventing a final vote And of course, CNN’s Jake Tapper let...