Dear LifeSite readers,
When the LifeSite Spring fundraising campaign began March 10, we knew we were facing a likely hard hit to our financial viability. So, above all, we prayed for a successful campaign.
Never before have we had to raise necessary operating funds during a time of such great stress, fear and personal financial insecurity that we knew most LifeSite readers were experiencing.
We are therefore greatly relieved and thankful for the generosity and strong vote of confidence you have given this news mission through your donations.
817 persons committed to being new sustainers, or monthly donors, well exceeding the goal that we had set!
Combined with the not yet finalized, but healthy, amount of one-time gifts, the total campaign donations is sufficient to keep LifeSite going through the next three months – without any cutbacks!
God is good! He has confirmed, through you, the great value of this news mission dedicated above all to His Truth and His glory.
Our hearts go out to you in gratitude.
In return, we promise to continue to put our whole heart and soul into providing you with the truth that is becoming increasingly difficult to find in almost all other news media. They are becoming ever more hostile to all that is precious to you, as revealed today, for example, in our report on a
hateful New York Times article.
On behalf of the entire LifeSite team,
May Our Lord bless and protect you and your loved ones.
Steve Jalsevac
Co-founder and President