Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Governor Holcomb orders halt to elective and non-urgent invasive surgeries; abortion clinics included in new emergency orders

For Immediate Release
March 30, 2020
Indiana Right to Life:
Governor Holcomb orders halt to elective and
non-urgent invasive surgeries; abortion clinics included in new emergency orders
INDIANAPOLIS, IN - Indiana Right to Life applauds Governor Eric Holcomb for including abortion clinics in new emergency orders related to the Covid-19 pandemic.  Governor Holcomb's orders call for a halt to all elective and non-urgent surgical procedures in Indiana. 
"Governor Holcomb's new orders make it clear that abortion clinics are not exempt from complying with the suspension of elective surgeries," states Indiana Right to Life President and CEO Mike Fichter.  "In a time of crisis and severe medical equipment shortages, abortion clinics must not be allowed to use up precious medical supplies that Hoosiers need during the current health emergency."
Indiana Right to Life will urge state and local authorities to monitor Indiana abortion clinics closely to ensure compliance with the orders.  
Governor Holcomb's emergency orders go into effect tomorrow. 

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Indiana Right to Life, 9465 Counselors Row, Suite 200, Indianapolis, IN 46240

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