Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Cuomo: New York Infection Rate DOWN From Doubling Every Day to Every SIX Days


A week ago:
Coronavirus: New York Infection Rate Is ‘Doubling About Every 3 Days,’ Cuomo Says

March 24, 2020:
By: Bill Chappell, NPR:
“We haven’t flattened the curve, and the curve is actually increasing,” New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said of new coronavirus cases Tuesday. Cuomo said his state now has more than 25,000 cases, as he gave an update on the COVID-19 outbreak at a news conference at Manhattan’s Javits Center, which will house a temporary hospital.
John Minchillo/AP
The rate of new coronavirus cases in New York is “doubling about every three days” and is speeding up even more, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Tuesday. “That is a dramatic increase in the rate of infection.”

The new estimates are “troubling and astronomical numbers,” the governor said. He added that the apex of the curve of rising coronavirus cases in New York is still 14 to 21 days away, according to the latest projections. The governor also said New York is in urgent need of ventilators and other vital resources.
“We need the federal help, and we need the federal help now,” Cuomo said.

As of around midday Tuesday, New York had 25,665 coronavirus cases — roughly half of the U.S. total. The state says at least 210 people there have died from COVID-19.
So far, the governor said, New York has not flattened the curve — the metric many officials are following as they attempt to keep the contagious respiratory virus from overwhelming public health systems.

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