Tuesday, March 31, 2020

LifeNews.com Pro-Life News Report

LifeNews.com Pro-Life News Report

Monday, March 30, 2020

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Top Stories
 NYC Mayor: Churches Holding Services May Be “Permanently” Closed, Abortion Clinics Can Stay Open
 Judge Rules Texas Abortion Clinics Can Kill Babies in Abortions Instead of Helping Coronavirus Patients
 Iowa Governor Bans Killing Babies in Abortions to Save Medical Resources to Fight Coronavirus
 Pastor Arrested for Holding Church Service While Abortion Clinics Keep Killing Babies

More Pro-Life News
 Babies Saved in Alabama as Clinics Cancel Abortions Under Order to Stop Non-Essential Procedures
 Here’s Two Reasons Why We’re Blessed to Have a Pro-Life President in the White House
 Trump Directs Hospitals to Protect Elderly, Disabled From Coronavirus Care Rationing: Value “Every Human Life”
 Feminist: It’s “Even More Essential” to Kill Babies in Abortions During the Coronavirus Pandemic
 Scroll Down for Several More Pro-Life News Stories 

NYC Mayor: Churches Holding Services May Be “Permanently” Closed, Abortion Clinics Can Stay Open

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio threatened to close churches and synagogues “permanently” if they refuse to stop services during the coronavirus outbreak.

Judge Rules Texas Abortion Clinics Can Kill Babies in Abortions Instead of Helping Coronavirus Patients

A federal judge in Texas with a long history of siding with abortion advocates ruled today that Texas abortion centers can defy the governor’s order to stop non-essential medical procedures instead of helping coronavirus patients by conserving medical resources during the pandemic.

Iowa Governor Bans Killing Babies in Abortions to Save Medical Resources to Fight Coronavirus

Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds has banned abortions in the state in order to preserve medical resources to help fight the coronavirus.

Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne, pastor of The River at Tampa Bay Church, was arrested at his home today by Hernando County Sheriff Deputies for holding a church service yesterday.

Babies Saved in Alabama as Clinics Cancel Abortions Under Order to Stop Non-Essential Procedures

Unborn babies are being saved from abortions in Alabama as abortion facilities comply with a state order banning non-essential medical procedures during the coronavirus pandemic.

Beginning on Friday, the Trump administration showed once again (and then again on Saturday) what a difference it makes to have a pro-lifer in the White House.


Trump Directs Hospitals to Protect Elderly, Disabled From Coronavirus Care Rationing: Value “Every Human Life”

The Trump administration has issued a directive for hospitals and medical centers providing care for patients with the coronavirus, ensuring that no health care is rationed for patients who are elderly or disabled.

Feminist: It’s “Even More Essential” to Kill Babies in Abortions During the Coronavirus Pandemic

No matter how many abortions there are in America, Planned Parenthood and their blood-thirsty cohorts are always screaming, “More, more!”


New York Times: Don’t Stop Killing Babies in Abortions Just Because of the Coronavirus

Left-Wing Group Funded by George Soros: It’s Time to Abolish the Family

Planned Parenthood, ACLU Sue Iowa and Ohio to Overturn Ban on Abortions During Coronavirus Crisis

Utah Governor Signs Bill Banning Abortions: “We Seek to Protect the Unborn”

Netherlands Accused of Refusing to Treat Elderly Coronavirus Patients

Hospitals Stop Killing Patients During Coronavirus Pandemic Because Euthanasia is Not Medically Necessary

Texas Fights in Court to Defend Banning Abortions During Coronavirus: It “Will Save Countless Lives”

Clinic Injures Woman in Botched Abortion, Sends Her to Hospital Busy Dealing With Coronavirus Pandemic

WATCH: Christians Arrested for Praying Outside Abortion Clinics Where Abortions are Deemed “Essential”

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