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March 31, 2020
Shouldn't Pelosi investigate how many deaths Obama/Biden policies caused?
For the past few years most of the media and other Democrats have tried to take out Trump with intentional lies about Russian collusion and endless investigations about Russia and other things.
Now, they are trying to take him out by saying that he is causing many deaths because he purportedly reacted too slowly to the virus from China. They are even calling him a racist because he truthfully calls it the Chinese virus or Wuhan virus. They are clearly more respectful of China, where they lied continuously about the virus, than they are of Trump. A significant number of media outlets are even censuring the daily press conferences.
For the past few days, we have been treated to the media building up the deplorable, despicable Pelosi, who hung out in San Francisco for a week and delayed aid for days as she larded up the bailout bill with special interest money, while trashing Trump. Why isn’t the media trashing Pelosi instead of praising her for what she did? Now she says Trump should be investigated for his slow response and blaming him for the deaths. Pelosi will soon be larding up a new bill with more pork and radical leftist policies.
On Sunday, we were also treated to a Democrat campaign worker on Meet the Press, posing as Chuck Todd, asking the brilliant Biden if Trump had blood on his hands.
Biden and Pelosi should be asked how many more people would have died if Trump listened to the experts at the World Health Organization in mid-January when they repeated the Chinese propaganda that the virus wouldn’t spread human to human. Why do so many claim Trump knewthe problem months ago when WHO said they didn’t know in January? How many more people would have died if Trump hadn’t clamped down on travel from China at the end of January, while Pelosi, the media and other Democrats fiddled with impeachment?
Good reporters would ask Pelosi and Biden how many people would have died if they were in charge, since they called the travel restrictions racist and an overreaction? In February, Pelosi even encouraged people to go to Chinatown and she claims Trump reacted too late!
How many more people would have die if Biden and Pelosi get their way and we stop using oil? How would the medical supplies, equipment and drugs move around the U.S. and the World without planes, ships, trucks and planes?
Maybe journalists should ask Governors Newsom and the brilliant Cuomo, leftists who also want to stop using oil, how many more people would die if they didn’t have hospital ships powered by oil?
How come the brilliant Cuomo had no idea that there were thousands of idle ventilators sitting in a warehouse while he was trashing the federal government for a shortage?
How many more people would die if we kept relying on China for so much of our medical needs, as we have ever since Obama/Biden said manufacturing was gone for good?
If Pelosi, the media or anyone else would like to investigate an administration for causing deaths she should look at the Obama/Biden years. There is a treasure trove of examples:
How many Worldwide deaths occurred because Obama pulled all troops out of Iraq and allowed ISIS, who Obama called the JV team, to greatly expand their power?
How many people died because Obama/Biden didn’t declare a national emergency for six months after the swine flu pandemic hit? How many died because they didn’t shut down the economy?
How many people are dying today because Obama/Biden didn’t replenish the medical supply and equipment inventory after it was depleted by the swine flu pandemic? Why didn’t they prepare? Why is Trump being blamed for the shortfall.
How many extra people died because costs skyrocketed under Obamacare mandates and life expectancy went down for four straight years?
How many lives were saved after Trump lifted the individual mandate, costs stabilized, people again had freedom of choice and life expectancy ticked back up in 2019?
How many deaths were caused in Ukraine because Obama/Biden refused to give them defensive weapons because that would have made Putin mad?
How many deaths have been caused because Obama/Kerry allowed Putin to monitor Assad and his chemical weapons?
How many countries and people are threatened because the Obama administration allowed Russia to buy U.S. uranium assets after they gave massive kickbacks to the Clintons?
How many excess deaths did we have because Obama/Biden did so little to stop the opioid addiction?
How many deaths occurred worldwide because of terrorism when the Obama Administration continually lied through the media to get the deal done with Iran?
How many lives were lost from terrorism and drugs because President Obama dictatorially stopped a year’s long investigation into a billion dollar a year drug running operation by Hezbollah to appease the tyrant dictators from Iran? Why don’t Pelosi and most journalists care?
How many lives has Trump saved because he has cut off the lifeblood from Iran tyrants who spread death around the World and pledge death to America and death to Israel?
How many lives are lost because Obama/Biden, almost all journalists and other Democrats support killing fully developed children before and after birth? As science has gotten better Democrats have become more radical in their support of Planned Parenthood.
Caricature by Donkey Hotey