‘She’s a sick puppy’: President rips Pelosi after her disgusting blood libel
“As the president fiddles, people are dying.”
Meanwhile, while Trump was restricting travel from China, Pelosi was urging Americans to go Chinatown and mingle, mingle mingle to prove it was “safe,” and pushing the “No Ban Act.”
Nancy Pelosi was impeaching the President while he was instituting a travel restriction ban on Corona-stricken China. She was touring San Francisco’s Chinatown on Feb. 24, saying, “We do want to say to people, come to Chinatown, here we are … come join us.” That was a full month after reports were coming out of China of mass death.
Coronavirus concerns: Speaker Pelosi tours San Francisco’s Chinatown to show it’s safe
SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made a point of taking a walk through San Francisco’s Chinatown to show that it is safe, after some merchants have seen a 50% drop in business as some fear they could be exposed to the coronavirus.As her visit began, a large portion of Chinatown had lost power. That didn’t deter the Speaker from walking along Ross Alley and Grant Avenue.“I’m here,” she said. “We feel safe and sound with so many of us coming here. It’s not only to say it’s safe but to say thank you for being Chinatown.”
On January 14 World Health organization told everyone it was not transmitted human to human. On January 31 Trump cut off travel from china and was called xenophobic. While Deblasio and Pelosi told ppl to go out enjoy yourselves in late feb and early March.
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‘She’s a sick puppy’: Trump rips Pelosi after she criticizes his coronavirus response
“It’s a sad thing. Look, she’s a sick puppy, in my opinion,” Trump told Fox & Friends on Monday. “She’s got a lot of problems. That’s a horrible thing to say.”
Pelosi said Sunday that Trump’s denial about the seriousness of the virus “was deadly.”“The president, his denial at the beginning, was deadly. His delaying of getting equipment to where it — continues his delaying in getting equipment to where it’s needed is deadly,” the California Democrat told CNN.“This is such a tragedy. We don’t even know the magnitude of it because we don’t have adequate testing,” she added. “As the president fiddles, people are dying.”
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