Thursday, July 29, 2021

BISHOPS BACK STATE-DECREED VACCINE APARTHEID NEWS: WORLD Jules Gomes • • July 29, 2021 Evoking Nuremberg, Jewish writer slams prelates for Holocaust hypocrisy



by Jules Gomes  •  •  July 29, 2021    1 Comment

Evoking Nuremberg, Jewish writer slams prelates for Holocaust hypocrisy

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PARIS ( - As thousands take to the streets protesting vaccine passports, bishops in France and Italy are endorsing a state-sponsored vaccine apartheid that robs unvaccinated citizens of fundamental freedoms and bars participation in essential activities. 

Bp. Marc Aillet: Lone episcopal voice against forced jabs  

"By making it compulsory for some and by imposing a health pass for certain activities, the government is fulfilling its legitimate responsibilities under Parliament," the Episcopal Conference of France (CEF) said

Defending the right of the State to impose "restrictions on those who refuse the vaccine," French bishops cautioned against "confusing the freedom to travel with the freedom to exist or go to the cinema or café and the freedom to praise God or not to praise Him." 

On July 12, France's president Emmanuel Macron announced draconian restrictions requiring individuals over 12 to produce a health pass to enter a shopping center, cinema, theater, museum, concert, show, festival, theme park or amusement park.

From August, the restrictions will be extended to restaurants, cafés, hospitals and public transport.

Yellow Star: Protest Symbol 

The bishops objected to the "yellow star" worn by some protestors, as French President Emmanuel Macron filed a legal suit against billboard operator Michel-Ange Flori for portraying him as Adolf Hitler, French media reported Wednesday. 

"The Shoah represents an absolute horror from which our political conduct must be judged and not become a toy for the benefit of any cause," bishops said. For vaccine protestors to use the "yellow star" imposed by Hitler to identify Jews is a "serious confusion of thought."  

Speaking to Church Militant, Jewish writer Karen Harradine agreed with the bishops "about the use of yellow stars worn to protest vaccines passports and mandatory vaccines." 

The Nazis also liked to divide people as 'clean' and 'unclean,' insisting that they were keeping Germans 'safe.'GabTweet

"These trivialize the Shoah, hence those wearing them are guilty of soft Holocaust denial. But there is a certain irony in the bishops condemning this while their support for Macron's tyrannical rulings makes them guilty of violating the Nuremberg Code," Harradine noted. 

'Parallels to Nazi Germany'

The anthropologist and outspoken critic of forced experimental jabs explained: 

Since the Holocaust, the medical profession has been guided by the Nuremberg Code to ensure that informed consent is encouraged and coercion and forced treatment is disallowed. Worryingly, this has now been abandoned by those who should know better.

We are witnessing a horror unfolding with parallels to Nazi Germany in the 1930s. The Nazis also liked to divide people as "clean" and "unclean," insisting they were keeping Germans "safe." 

The dehumanization of the Other and enforcement of experimental vaccines is an abomination. The trials for these vaccines only finish in 2023, making them experimental. Anyone who violates the Nuremberg Code is following in the footsteps of monsters and is deeply amoral.

Flori and French Muslims hit back at Marcon, saying he had referred to the Charlie Hebdo magazine's caricatures of the Muslim prophet Mohammed as "satire," but "making fun of Macron as a dictator is blasphemy."

Bishops Conflict

Breaking ranks with fellow prelates, Bp. Marc Aillet of Bayonne, Lescar and Oloron is challenging the vaccine passport diktat as "raising questions for a significant number of people who fear for the preservation of their freedoms."


Slamming the "system of discrimination, suspicion and mutual control that will be put in place," Aillet warned against "stigmatizing those who make other choices," arguing that "freedom of conscience is at stake here." 

The bishop cited the Nuremberg Code and raised the issue of fetal cell lines from aborted babies used in the production and testing of the COVID-19 vaccines. 

Meanwhile, Italian bishops are supporting Jesuit-educated Premier Mario Draghi's vaccine passport regime, which will come into force Aug. 6 and prohibit unvaccinated or untested individuals from entering indoor restaurants, gyms and cultural or leisure centers. 

Bishops' Media Lauds Vax Passport

The "Green Pass," which is "valid for nine months from the completion of the vaccination cycle" has been welcomed by the bishops' media Avvenire as having a "positive aspect on the hospital front as well" with the "goal of a safer summer for everyone."  

The dehumanization of the Other and enforcement of experimental vaccines is an abomination.GabTweet

Avvenire commended Draghi for using the vaccine passport as part of the "strategy" to "protect people, not close economic activities and allow, in September, the reopening of schools." 
"The vaccine passport has imposed a quandary on me," Rome tour guide Kiron Rathnam told Church Militant, explaining how going to the gym was "essential and not optional" for her. 

Israeli Jews use the yellow star to protest vaccine passports  

"For health reasons, I need to go to the gym to strengthen my body after a minimum 10 hours of walking a day. Sometimes I am on my feet for 12 to 14 hours as a guide in a city whose stones are hard, solid and unforgiving," Rathnam said. 

"Why is there a desperate need to push for the vaccination when infections are minimal, recoveries are very high, it's summer and many are outdoors reinforcing their immune system?" the faithful Catholic, who is a conscientious objector to the vaccine, asked. 

But ignoring conscientious objectors and disparaging protestors, the bishops' media notes the decree has resulted in "a boom in bookings for the vaccine," with not a single bishop protesting the draconian decree. 

Passport Edging on 'Civil War'

Lamenting the bishops' uncritical support for the vaccine passports, Naiche Di Salvo, head of the Lazio Region of Evangelical Christian Action, told Church Militant "the Green Pass law is unconstitutional and must be withdrawn."

The Green Pass law is unconstitutional and must be withdrawn.GabTweet

"Extensive demonstrations throughout our country are already taking place, including the one that took place under the house of the mayor of Pesaro, Matteo Ricci. It is essential that the Interior Ministry does not condemn the initiatives that will take place starting on Saturday," Di Salvo said.

"Citizens must be the first spokespersons of the growing social unrest in the government before the differences turn into civil war. The tug-of-war with the government is not convenient for anyone, least of all for Interior Minister Luciana Lamorgese," remarked Di Salvo, who works with Giorgia Meloni's Fratelli D'Italia (Brothers of Italy) Party.  

Protests in France against vaccine apartheid

A system of vaccine apartheid will also be imposed when Pope Francis visits Slovakia in September. Only fully vaccinated individuals will be permitted to attend the pontiff's public Mass and other papal events, a decision approved by the Slovakian bishops' conference. 

Mandating vaccination as a requirement for a papal Mass is historically unprecedented and violates canon 843 of the Code of Canon Law, which states: "Sacred ministers cannot deny the sacraments to those who seek them at appropriate times, are properly disposed, and are not prohibited by law from receiving them."


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