Thursday, July 29, 2021

Jerusalem Prayer Team World News

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The Times of Israel
The Times of Israel

Government ministers on Sunday approved a proposal authorizing Public Security Minister Omer Barlev to revive electronic monitoring of returning travelers to ensure they remain in quarantine.

Though the cabinet approved using “electronic means” to track arrivals, the surveillance will be conducted using a phone application rather than electronic bracelets which were rolled out in a trial in the past, according to Hebrew media reports.

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Take Your Stand For The Sake Of God's Chosen People Today

Dear Carl,

Not long before her death, I prayed with Mother Teresa in Rome. I'll never forget one of the things she said: “Love is not something you say, it's something you do.” She was right! I know you love God's Chosen People, and today I'm asking you to do something special to show that love in action to people who desperately need to see it.

I am not willing to sit by and do nothing while these precious Jewish men, women, and children are being targeted. That's why I went to Israel as your ambassador back in May during the latest round of terrorist rocket attacks. When I saw that bomb shelter filled with children that had no beds, no bathtub or shower, no kitchen, no toys, and no tables, I knew we had to do something.

Together we are going to turn that bomb shelter into a happy place for children. With your help, I also want to bring suffering Israelis to Jerusalem and pay for housing, food, and treatment for PTSD, but I can't do it without you. Your generous support for the Jerusalem Prayer Team today will make it possible for us to meet these urgent needs in Israel, even as we continue the rest of our ministry around the world.

Your ambassador to Jerusalem,


Michael David Evans
Donate Now

Preparing for the Good Fight

Fight the good fight for the true faith. Hold tightly to the eternal life to which God has called you, which you have declared so well before many witnesses. —1 Timothy 6:12 NLT

Being a Christian does not mean you are problem-free. Even though you are a child of God, you will still have to deal with difficult situations throughout your life.

As children, many of us sang this song in Sunday school or Vacation Bible School:

I may never march in the infantry
Ride in the cavalry
Shoot the artillery
I may never fly o’er the enemy
But I’m in the Lord’s army!
Yes Sir!

Battles will come. Persecution will come. You will have to fight deception, guard yourself against occasional unforgiveness and bitterness, and struggle against unbelief. You will have to dislodge fear before it disarms you and makes you vulnerable to further assaults.

You have been drafted into the army of God, so be prepared to fight the good fight of faith!

Pursuing God's Presence
Blessing of Aaron Tallit

When you send your gift of $60 or more (was $80), we will send you a Blessing of Aaron tallit.

Since ancient days, Jewish people have worn these prayer shawls, and this one is beautifully decorated with the Aaronic prayer of blessing: “The Lord bless thee and keep thee, the Lord make His face to shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee.”

For Your Gift of $60 or More

There is no better way to keep up with what is really happening in Israel and the world—the truth the liberal media won't tell you—than with the redesigned and upgraded FOZ app. With our Facebook page unavailable, we have this new means of communication to ensure we are not silenced. This powerful tool will help you shape and focus your prayers, receive updates from Dr. Evans, and so much more. It is a must-have for every friend of Israel.

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Jerusalem Prayer Team | PO BOX 30246, Phoenix, AZ 85046 | | 1-888-390-7946

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