Vax mandates pushing out pro-freedom advocates

The U.S. government doesn't need to have vaccine mandates because woke institutions are voluntarily foisting them on people anyway.
Since February 2020, Americans have been pummeled with conflicting scientific reports and contradictory government mandates regarding the China virus. What started out as "two weeks to flatten the curve" quickly turned into "we can return to normal after everyone gets the vaccine."
Nearly 50% of the U.S. population — about 163 million people — have opted to receive the vaccine, with the number stalling there by the beginning of July. But the fact that the rest of the American population is refusing the jab indicates that many aren't buying into the propaganda. To the Marxists, that's a huge problem.
Now, they're going to squeeze the dissenters, even if it's half the population. Massive corporations are beginning to mandate that all their employees get vaccinated. Schools are demanding that children wear masks, and universities are requiring students to receive the jab before they start classes in the fall.
The list of companies demanding employee vaccinations is growing day to day. So far, BlackRock, Morgan Stanley, Saks Fifth Avenue, The Washington Post, Ascension Health, Lyft, Twitter, Netflix, Facebook, Delta and MGM Grand are leading the charge.
But what happens when those companies refuse to do business with other corporations that don't force vaccinations? Pro-freedom business owners will get edged out of business, and the big boys will profit.
Now the leftist media is buzzing with endless China-virus variants allegedly floating around, and "anti-vaxxers" are being demonized.
Marketing CEO Bryan Villeneuve commented on Twitter, "In six months, we've gone from the vax ending the pandemic — to you can still get COVID even if vaxxed — to you can pass COVID on to others even if vaxxed — to you can still die of COVID even if vaxxed — to the unvaxxed are killing the vaxxed."
COVID has become the tool of choice for oppression. Like the "war on terror," it can be whatever globalists want it to be and an excuse to take rights away.
Learn more by watching The Download — Marginalizing Freedom.