the Vortex

Who's crying now?
July 29, 2021 124 CommentsTRANSCRIPT
The first three years of this apostolate were dedicated strictly to the announcement of the glories of the One True Faith. Our flagship program — with its more than 100 hours of episodes, all still on the Premium side of the website — was and is dedicated to that very cause.
But Obama's trip to Notre Dame in May 2009 woke us up to the fact that the Church needed to do more than just preach the truth because that truth was being corrupted and poisoned from within by a powerful, faithless and oftentimes homosexual cadre.
When we started reporting this, people went nuts in the establishment, hurling all kinds of accusations against us and accusing us of everything under the sun, except, of course, telling the truth.
A few years later, we found ourselves in Rome reporting on a major story in the Roman press that never really got picked up over here in the Catholic media because the bishops would not permit it. It was squashed. This was 2013. But Church Militant reported on it in great detail and received accusations of being the "Catholic National Enquirer" and all that type of idiocy.
This was five years before McCarrick came to light, waking up a good bunch of Catholics to the truth of what was and still is going on in the Church, specifically with the hierarchy. No one wanted to hear what we were reporting and commenting on. They smeared us — especially our own archbishop, Allen Vigneron, who set his chancery dogs on us at every turn in an effort to keep the decades of homosexual and other corruption here a secret.
Even four years prior to this 2013 story, Church Militant had already been reporting on this filth. So for a dozen years now, we've been all over this horror, and our reporting has been vindicated every single time.
The latest revelations of the homosexual-hookup phone app Grindr only underscores just how bad this really is, how pervasive and constant. Until it is challenged and exposed, it is never going to go away. Given the current uproar over the Grindr information and its relation to not just the United States but also Rome, we'd like to show you part of the report we did in Rome in the summer of 2013 that really caused the hierarchy to attack us with a fury. This was the report that caused them to really jump ugly against us behind the scenes.
We know what we know because it is told to us by victims, insiders, experts, lawyers and so forth. We aren't guessing at all this; we know that what we are reporting is correct. And despite their best efforts to smear us and make us appear to be lunatics, what various evil members of the hierarchy have tried to do against us has blown up in their faces.
But they are so far down the road at this point that they no longer care. That's why there is such public support for homosexualist James Martin, the same man who goes around publicly preaching heresy by saying the Bible is wrong.
They tried to publicly attack us through their surrogates in the so-called Catholic, so-called media, but with every new revelation, every new scandal, their attacks changed from challenging the substance of what we said to attacking "the tone," whatever that means.
How exactly do you politely say that many bishops are actively homosexual and/or are covering for others who are, and that they are victimizing young men, destroying the Church and causing the loss of millions of souls? Church Militant was right then, and we are right now. As the expression goes — who's crying now?
The time for defeating this evil is almost at an end. It must be attacked now.